Highest Bidder Distribution
This document will provide a basic overview of a Highest Bidder distribution type with multiple backend buyers (ping post, direct post, and email)
To watch a video tutorial on this topic click here
To begin, ensure the Distribution Type is set to Highest Bidder
The first two buyers, Solar Company and Solar Company 2 are both buying off of ping post. Lead Prosper will ping them in real-time and compare their bids to those of the other two buyers - an email delivery client and a direct post client. For our 2 ping post buyers, Solar Company and Solar Company 2, you can see below that their sell price is set to real time. This means that their price will be determined from your buyer's API response
In this example, there is one supplier who’s selling us a lead for $20 and 4 buyers on the back end
Click the edit to view your buyer's ping post set up
Your ping post setup will be determined by your buyers API specs. This will include a ping URL as well as specific fields that you’ll need to send over in that ping, typically non identifiable information such as zip code
The post will contain full lead information and will be sent once the ping is accepted by the buyer
Click back to the Campaign homepage
For the Email Delivery client in this Highest Bidder scenario, go to the edit cog to check out their details
In the pricing section you will see the email buyer's default bid, which is $35 in this example
You'll see a conditional price set for the example email buyer. They are willing to pay more for leads in Florida, their default bid for any Florida leads will be $55
Click back to the Campaign homepage. Click the edit cog to view the Direct Post buyer's details
Since the Direct Post buyer is not bidding in real-time, their price set in the Pricing section will be the buyer's static bid for every lead in this example
To see an example of a lead that has come through click on the Analytics tab
Click the Accepted leads
Click on an Accepted lead to see the lead data
Here you can see all the fields from this specific lead. To the right you will see the Timeline, including where the lead came from, companies that were outbid (if any), and who accepted the lead
Click over to the Post log to see the precise details of the ping post transaction such as the values of the accepted and rejected bids
This completes the basic overview of the highest bidder distribution method for a campaign with multiple backend buyers. If you have any questions please email us at support@leadprosper.io