Fields Overview

In this support doc, we'll explain the importance of fields. This includes the field name, the type and format and the status. By default, Lead Prosper automatically now creates basic PI fields, such as first name, last name, email, phone, and so on

Auto-generated fields can be edited or deleted

With the button to the right of the field name, you’ll pick which fields are required, which will be determined by your buyer

When you create fields, it is important to note that your field names don’t need to match your buyers field names. Often when you have multiple buyers they will have differing field names, such as first_name for one buyer and f_name for another. You want your field names to make sense to you and your suppliers. Lead Prosper can easily map the fields to whatever your buyer requires.

Often you will see API, SRC, MODE, KEY, or Password. Never create those fields as campaign fields - these should be hardcoded in the buyer’s payload configuration. As a rule of thumb, you only want to create fields that are collected on the form and related to the user, like name, email, phone, user agent, IP, etc…

If you need to add your own custom fields, you can do that here as well

You can name your custom field whatever you like, for this example we’ll use “favorite color”. 

We’ll use the “multiple value one choice” option. In a multiple value one choice format, if the lead does not contain one of the selected values then the lead will fail

Each field will have a corresponding format type, such as text for first and last name, an email format for email addresses, and so on

When creating a custom field you’ll also choose whether it’s required or optional. When a field is set to required, if it comes through empty then Lead Prosper will fail that lead. Data must be present in that field for the lead to be accepted

Next is Data type. Data type will help you keep your data clean and ensure you get data in the format you’re looking for. For example for postal code the campaign is set up to look for a 5 digit postal code rather than the other options listed below

Email must be in an email format. For example if the email is just “john” the lead will fail. Lead Prosper looking for John @ some domain for this lead to be accepted

Type and format are also important because of filters. For example if one of your buyers wants to buy leads in certain states, it’s important to make sure that the “state” field is set up with the corresponding US state field type and not one of the foreign options. Having the correct data type not only makes sure the data is coming in correctly, but also that it’s being filtered properly and getting to the right buyer

Fields can also be added to a campaign using the import function. Using this feature, fields can be imported from an existing campaign. If you already have a campaign built, and you'd like to replicate the way the fields are set up, you can do that very easily by picking that campaign from a list

You have the option to add them to the existing campaign or remove all the auto-populated fields and replace them with the fields from the chosen campaign

You can also import common fields from popular verticals such as legal and home improvement. Choosing a vertical from this menu will auto-populate fields, which can be turned off by unchecking the box to the left of the title and turned from optional to required with the button on the right.  Once you click save, those fields will be added to your campaign

That's a basic overview on fields. As always if you have any questions please use our support button or email us at

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