GoHighLevel Direct Post Buyer Setup

This support document will walk you through a Direct Post set up in a GoHighLevel campaign. To watch a tutorial on this topic click here

The official GHL API specs are located here: https://public-api.gohighlevel.com/#5fbc2b83-603d-4974-81c3-7d8658a79594

Begin your direct post set up by copying and pasting your posting URL from your API specs into your buyer set up. The method will be POST and the response type will be in JSON format

GoHighLevel URL: https://rest.gohighlevel.com/v1/contacts/

Next, copy and paste the body format from the API specs into your payload builder. You’ll then map the fields from the sample request using the fields above the payload builder, mapping the firstName field to the green first_name campaign shortcode and so on

The sample body copied from the API specs will resemble the screenshot above. After mapping the fields on the left to the campaign fields above the payload builder, your payload will look similar to the payload below

Either email or phone is required. If you don’t collect some of the other fields highlighted below, you can safely delete them. If you need to add custom fields, you will do so in the section below called customField

Next are tags. Tags allow you to trigger different actions. An array must be built for tags to come through. Multiple tags will be separated by a comma. Tags are important because you can have custom workflow automations setup in your GoHighLevel account based on these values

This is followed by custom fields. These are like custom questions and will be formatted as an object. Please note that these custom fields must match the fields in your GoHighLevel account. As you can see, we collect a jornaya_ID here, as defined in our GoHighLevel account. This field is mapped to jornaya_lead_id in the payload builder

If you want to add another custom field add that here, separating the fields with a comma

In July 2023 GoHighLevel made a change to their API that requires the Custom Field ID to be used in place of the Custom Field Name. You can continue to use the Custom Field Names in the payload set up, and our system will automatically change the Custom Field Names to their proper Custom Field ID on Save.

For headers, Content-Type is automatically filled out when you select the JSON payload type above. For the header required in the API specs, Authorization Bearer Token, the key on the left would be Authorization, and the value would be Bearer and a token. You’d get the token from your Go High Level account or subaccount

For the response mapping the condition will be key contains, the key will be contact/id, and the value will be an asterisk, which means any value here. For a duplicate you will select response contains, so that anything in the body containing the word “duplicate” will be marked as a dupe

That’s it for a GoHighLevel buyer setup. If you have any questions please use the support button or email us at support@leadprosper.io

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