LeadsPedia Direct Post Buyer Setup

This support document will cover a LeadsPedia Direct Post Buyer Set Up in Lead Prosper. To watch a tutorial on this topic click here

You’ll start by copying and pasting the Post URL from your LeadsPedia API specs into the buyer setup and choosing the request method and payload type. As you can see here POST or GET are supported but they strongly recommend using POST

Paste the URL from your API specs below and select the Request Method and Payload Type

Next are fields. We see from the API specs that there are two required values that need to be hardcoded, lp_campaign_id and lp_campaign_key. The required values for these fields are NOT shown on the API specs, as they are provided to you by the client

These are followed by optional sub_id fields and lp_test field, which you set to 1 for a test post. You will remove this once you’re done testing. The next field is titled lp_response. In this field, you can request a JSON response type by passing json as the value. The default response is in XML format

Continue with your field mapping, paying attention to which fields are required

Your payload builder will look something like this once your fields are mapped

For List fields please check the allowed values of the fields that are listed in the table below the fields section. If a value is passed that is not listed in the corresponding field table values, the lead will fail

Below the fields section under TCPA compliance we see the fields jornaya_lead_id and trusted_form_cert_id. At least one of these fields will be required, don’t forget to include these when building the payload

Next is Headers. The header Content-Type is automatically filled out here when you select the XML response type above the payload builder

For our response mapping for a successful response, select key equal with, the key will be /response/result, and the value will be success

The API specs below show where to get the the key and value for a successful response

For a duplicate select body contains and enter duplicate as the value, so that anything in the body with the word duplicate will be marked as a dupe

It is possible that your buyer will return the sale price back into their response. You can check if that's the case by looking at the success API response in the docs and check if the price is present.

If so, you can have Lead Prosper's analytics track the sale price based on the price returned. To activate that, turn on Real time price and enter /response/price as the price key

Click on Save then click on Test buyer

Generate some dummy data and send the request

Once you get a successful result, you can remove lp_test from the payload builder

If you have any questions please send us an email at support@gmail.com

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