Modernize Ping Post Buyer Setup

A step by step guide on setting up a Modernize Ping Post buyer. To watch a video tutorial on this topic click here

To get started, you’ll need a copy of your buyer’s API specs. For this example we have some sample Modernize API specs

You’ll begin by copying and pasting the PING URL into your Buyer setup and replacing <host> with the Staging/Test Environment. Once you’ve successfully tested your buyer and are ready to go live, you’ll replace this section or the URL with the Production Environment

The Request Method will be POST and the Payload type will be Form

You’ll then build your Ping payload using the required fields. Fields are case sensitive, so we recommend always copying and pasting the field name from the API specs to avoid any potential typos. You’ll begin with pingType, which is only required on the Ping

Next is tagID. When you take your campaign live, you’ll use your production tagID, but for testing ensure you enter the Test tagID shown in the specs here

Continue building your payload with the fields that are required in the Ping

Now that the basic fields have been set up, it's time to look at the service-specific parameters. You only need to include the ones that are specific to the service this campaign is built for. Our campaign here is for HVAC, but for example if you were setting up a Windows campaign you would need to add NumberOfWindows and WindowsProjectScope as additional fields in your buyer payload

You can determine what service-specific fields your campaign needs by reviewing the fields table and checking under the Required column, however if you are still unsure you should contact your Modernize rep for more details

Either Jornaya LeadIDToken or TrustedFormToken are required in both the PING and the POST

When your payload is complete it will resemble the one seen below

The header Content-Type is automatically filled out for you when you select the Payload type. For the response mapping for a successful lead, the Condition will be key equal with, the key will be STATUS, and the value will be SUCCESS

Because the buyer returns the real time price in the PING response, you can choose to have Lead Prosper track it when storing analytics. Toggle the Real time price option to ON and enter PRICE as the real time price key. The SEND POST IF section is useful if you only want to sell the lead to the buyer if the price is  greater than a certain amount

Next is the Post Set up. Copy and Paste the Post URL into your buyer setup,. Remember to replace <host> with the Staging/Test Environment. Select POST as the Request Method and Form as the Payload type

PingToken will be a unique value taken from each PIng. To grab this value enter PingToken as a field and {{lp_ping_response:PINGTOKEN}} as the campaign field shortcode

Continue adding the fields that are required in the Post. Once your payload is complete it will resemble the one seen above

Once again, the header Content-Type is automatically filled out for you. For the response mapping for an Accepted lead, the condition will be key equal with, the Key will be STATUS, and the value will be ACCEPTED

For a Duplicated lead, the Condition will be key equal with, the Key will be VALIDATIONMESSAGE, and the value will be Lead already submitted for the vendors matched

That’s it for setting up a Modernize Ping Post Buyer. If you have any questions please use the support button or email us at

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