Enabling TrustedForm v4 Integration In Your Lead Prosper Account

TrustedForm recently announced that on Dec 31st, 2023 they are going to be retiring v2 and v3 of their API. To ensure that our users don't experience any interruptions we have released a new integration option for TrustedForm v4 that will need to be enabled and configured in your account, and in your Campaigns where you are currently using TrustedForm integrations to retain and validate the URLs.

To watch a video tutorial on this topic, click here.

In order to be able to use the new integration you need to first ensure that your TrustedForm account is set up to use v4 of their API. You can find what version your account is set up with by logging into your TrustedForm account and going to the Settings tab. Here is where you'll find information such as what products are enabled on your account, your API key, and the current API version. If the API Version is less than v4 you will need to reach out to your Account Manager at TrustedForm and ask them to upgrade your API version.

While you're in the Settings copy your API key, as you will need this for the next step which is enabling the actual v4 Integration within Lead Prosper.

Go to your Lead Prosper account, and at the top right click your Name and select Integrations from the dropdown. Select the TrustedForm v4 Integration from the list, and a pop up will appear where you will enter the API key you copied from TrustedForm in the previous step. Hit Save.

After your TrustedForm v4 Integration is enabled you will then need to go into every campaign where you will be using the integration in order to add and set it up. Pull up a campaign, and scroll to the bottom of the page to the 3RD PARTY INTEGRATIONS area - click Edit, and then select the TrustedForm v4 Integration box. A pop up will appear with the following options:

1) Certificate URL or Token - set this field to the campaign field where you are collecting the TrustedForm info (by default in LP it is trustedform_cert_url)

2) Skip Validation... - by default set this to No. Your campaigns should be set up to require TrustedForm data so you shouldn't need to skip validation. Only set this to Yes if you are not requiring TrustedForm URLs, and understand that by selecting Yes you will be skipping validating the TrustedForm URL.

3) Email Field - set this to your email field (by default in LP it is email)

4) Phone Field - set this to your phone field (by default in LP it is phone)

5) Retrieve Insights - Unless you are set up with a TrustedForm Premium or higher account, and have the Insights product enabled on your account, then keep this set to None. By default any free or low tier TF account will not have this option available. In the event that you are utilizing Insights and it's enabled on your account you can set this option up to pull Insights data based on the TrustedForm URL and this can be used to better filter your leads. The filters available are Lead Age, Landing Page Domain, and Consumer IP Address.

6) Lead Age (only use with Insights) - this value needs to be set to the amount of time, in minutes, for which a TrustedForm URL is created vs when the TrustedForm URL is retrieved. If the Lead Age returned by Insights is greater than the Lead Age you set, then the lead will be considered Invalid and will be rejected.

7) Seconds on Page (only use with Insights) - this value needs to be set to the amount of time, in seconds, for which a lead must be on the page, in order for the TrustedFrom URL to be considered valid. If the Seconds on Page returned by Insights is lower than the Seconds on Page you set, then the lead will be considered Invalid and will be rejected.

8) Form Input Method (only use with Insights) - you can set this option to only allow TrustedForm certificates that contain specific form input methods. For example, you can set this to allow only Autofill and Typing, and block if the form was filled with pre-populated data or paste. Please note that, at the time of writing this article, TrustedForm API does not return which fields were pasted or pre-populated. This means that it's possible for some form fields to be pre-populated or pasted, and others autofilled or typed by the consumer. In general though, forms that have paste could be higher risk. Please consult your TrustedForm account manager for more information about this specific feature.

9) Landing Page Domain (only use with Insights) - this option should be set to the field where you are collecting the landing page URL or domain. When this is enabled the domain from this field data will be checked against the domain returned by TrustedForm and if it doesn't match the lead will be considered Invalid and rejected.

10) Consumer IP Address (only use with Insights) - this option should be set to the field where you are collecting the IP Address. When enabled the IP Address value will be checked against the IP Address value from TrustedForm and if it doesn't match the lead will be considered Invalid and rejected.

When done, hit Save. And that's it (for this Campaign). You will have to set up the new TrustedForm v4 Integration in every campaign that you want to use the validation in, but repeating the instructions above will make that pretty simple.

If you run into any issues or have questions please feel free to reach out to Support by opening a ticket, and someone will get back to you ASAP. Thanks!

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