Set Up & Configure MaxMind minFraud Score & Insights Integrations For Your Lead Prosper Campaigns

MaxMind provides real-time flexible fraud detection services through various product offerings. By utilizing MaxMind’s minFraud services, Lear Prosper users have access to a suite of data return services that help businesses prevent online score through risk scoring and risk data analysis. Currently our users can take advantage of two minFraud services - minFraud Score and minFraud Insights.

To set up these integrations you'll need to log into your MaxMind account and copy your Account ID and License Key. From your Lead Prosper account, go to account menu at the top right and select Integrations. Browse to MaxMind minFraud Score and / or MaxMind minFraud Insights in the integrations list, click configure for one or both of the MaxMind integrations that you will be using, and in that pop up add your Account ID and License Key.

Once your integrations are enabled you will need to enable them on a campaign by campaign basis. Go to your campaign(s), and scroll to the bottom to the 3rd Party Integrations tab and hit Edit to open a list of your integrations. You should see one or both of the MaxMind minFraud integrations - click on the product you want to use for the campaign and you'll be presented with options to map your campaign fields to the appropriate fields, as well as set your filter options for the integration.

minFraud Score


MaxMind minFraud Score checks a number of lead data points - IP address, user agent, browser language, email address, phone number, first and last name, address, city, state, zip code, and country - to exposes a transaction risk score and an IP risk score that you can use to filter out leads with a higher risk of fraud.

Campaign Fields To Map

Lead Prosper Campaign Field (default) minFraud Score Field Title
ip_address* (required) Consumer IP Address
user_agent Consumer User Agent
browser_language Browser Lanauge
email Email
phone Phone
first_name First Name
last_name Last Name
address Address
city City
state State
zip_code Zip Code
country Country

Filters To Set

Risk Score Chose the max risk score you want to allow. This field contains the overall risk score, from 0.01 to 99. A higher score indicates a higher risk of fraud. For example, a score of 20 indicates a 20% chance that a transaction is fraudulent.
IP Address Risk Score Choose the max IP risk score you want to allow. This field contains the risk associated with the IP address. The value ranges from 0.01 to 99. A higher score indicates a higher risk.

maxMind Insights

minFraud Insights utilizes the same lead data points as minFraud score but allows for a more robust filter range including filtering against risk score, device confidence, ip address risk score, anonymous ip detection, anonymous VPN detection, proxy service / TOR detection, disposable email address detection and high risk email check. minFraud Insights gives a full suite of data validation to check against to provide users the highest likelihood of rejecting fraudulent leads at source.

Campaign Fields To Map

Lead Prosper Campaign Field (default) minFraud Score Field Title
ip_address* (required) Consumer IP Address
user_agent Consumer User Agent
browser_language Browser Lanauge
email Email
phone Phone
first_name First Name
last_name Last Name
address Address
city City
state State
zip_code Zip Code
country Country

Filters To Set

Risk Score Chose the max risk score you want to allow. This field contains the overall risk score, from 0.01 to 99. A higher score indicates a higher risk of fraud. For example, a score of 20 indicates a 20% chance that a transaction is fraudulent.
IP Address Risk Score Choose the max IP risk score you want to allow. This field contains the risk associated with the IP address. The value ranges from 0.01 to 99. A higher score indicates a higher risk.
Device Confidence A number from 0.01 to 99 representing the confidence that the consumer device refers to a unique device as opposed to a cluster of similar devices. A confidence of 0.01 indicates very low confidence that the device is unique, whereas 99 indicates very high confidence.
Block Anonymous IP Address Block IPs that belong to any sort of anunymous networks.
Block Anonymous VPN Block IPs that are registered to an anonymous VPN provider.
Block Hosting Provider Block IPs that belong to a hosting provider or VPN provider.
Block Proxy Block IPs that belong to a public proxy or they are on a suspected anonymizing network and belongs to a residential ISP (does not include peer-to-peer proxy IPs).
Block TOR Block IPs that are TOR exit nodes.
Block Email - Disposable Block emails that MaxMind detect they are from a disposable email provider.
Block Email - High Risk Block emails that MaxMind detect that are likely to be used for fraud.

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