TrustedForm v4 Integration in Lead Prosper

Before we dive into how to setup your Lead Prosper account to work with your TrustedForm account, it is important to note that this integration will Retain (or Claim) these certificates in your TrustedForm account. This operation requires a paid TrustedForm account. This integration does not generate TrustedForm certificates for your landing page. If you are a landing page owner and need to generate TrustedFrom certificates, you will need a FREE TrustedForm account for generators, and install the TrustedForm script on your page.

To setup the integration between your Lead Prosper account and your TrustedForm account, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your LeadProsper account. Click on your profile in the top right corner and navigate to Integrations.

  2. Select Configure under TrustedForm v4. This will prompt you to enter an API key. 

  3. Open your TrustedForm account and launch the product. 

  4. From there, navigate to settings. Under Settings, you will find the API key, the API version that you are on, and also the products that you have access to. If you’d like to use the filters we have that include insights, you will need to have Insights added to your TrustedForm account. If you would like to use this feature and don’t have Insights activated on your TrustedForm account, please reach out to your TrustedForm representative to get that feature enabled. 

  5. Once you have the API key, copy it and paste it back into LeadProsper. Click Enable. This will set up TrustedForm v4 across your account. You will still need to enable it on a campaign-by-campaign basis. 

  6. Navigate to a campaign that you would like to enable TrustedForm v4 on. Scroll down to 3rd part integrations and click on the TrustedForm integration.

  7. A pop-up will open to configure TrustedForm v4 in the campaign. This will allow you to validate your trusted form cert against the Trusted Form API to confirm that it is a legitimate TrustedForm certification. This will also allow you to configure any other validations you would like. 

  8. Select the TrustedForm cert URL that you would like to use for this campaign. 

  9. In the event that a lead does not have a Trusted Form cert URL, because they are using Journaya or the buyer doesn’t require Trusted Form, you can set the “Skip validation if required fields are not present” as “Yes”. This will allow the lead to pass through even without a Trusted Form cert URL. If you would like every lead to have a TrustedForm cert URL, keep this field as “No”. 

  10. Map either email or phone field. This is new for TrustedForm v4. This ensures that the phone number or email entered in the form matches the data in the TrustedForm cert url. This is to prevent fraud. 

This is the standard way to check that your TrustedForm cert is valid even if you aren’t using Insights. If you are using Insights, you will need to do some additional configurations after ensuring that you have enabled the Insights product within TrustedForm. 

  1. Having Insights enabled allows you to check the Trusted Form cert against 5 different data points. You can select any of these and configure to your specifications. This includes the following:

    1. Lead Age: if a trusted form cert is over x amount of days old, you can filter it out and not include it in your lead data.
    2. Landing Page Domain: confirm if the landing page value matches domain that is in the trusted form cert. 
    3. Consumer IP: Matches the IP in trusted form Cert.
    4. Form Input Method: filters out the leads if certain types of form inputs were used when filling out any of the fields. These methods are Autofill, Paste, Typing, and Pre-Populated or Any. You can allow any or some of the options to pass through depending on your lead requirements.
    5. Seconds on Page: You can enter a value indicating number of seconds and anything that is outside that range will not pass. This can filter out spam and bot responses. 
    6. *If you are choosing any of these fields, in your campaign fields, you should make all of these fields required. This will ensure that even if the field values come in as empty, they will be checked against the filter and disqualified. 
  2. Save the configurations. Once saved, your campaign will be using the new Trusted Form v4 specs!

    Reminder: this needs to be configured per campaign.

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