Cross-Campaign Dupe Checker

To help our users with with identifying leads that are duplicate across different campaigns and timeframes, we are happy to introduce a new feature: Cross-Campaign Dupe Checker. An in-depth video tutorial can be found here.

Preparing your campaigns

Before we begin, let's address one important caveat about this feature: fields format must match across campaigns. The Cross-Campaign Dupe Checker will individually check each campaign, based on your configured settings. However, if you are collecting phone as (123) 456-7890 in one campaign, 1234567890 in another and +1 123-456-7890, the matching will not work.

As with our regular Dupe Checker, it is not recommended to add fields that are not marked required in your campaigns. When we run a dupe check, empty values in any of the chosen fields will not show up as duplicate leads since there is no value present.

Configuring the Cross-Campaign Dupe Checker

To configure your Cross-Campaign Dupe Checker, start by scrolling down to the CAMPAIGN SETTINGS section. Toggle on the Cross-Campaign Dupe Checker toggle to turn it on.

You will be presented with this interface:

You can add as many TARGETS as you require. Each target is a unique campaign in your account. For each target campaign, you will configured:

  • Matching Type - similar to our regular Dupe Checker, if you want to check against more than one field, you have the option to select the matching method, in order for the lead to be considered duplicated:
    • ANY - logical OR condition, meaning field1 or field2 must match
    • ALL - logical AND condition, meaning field1 and field2 must both match
  • Past Number of Days - how many days back to check against this specific target campaign. Max 365 days
  • Fields - in the fields section, you will map the target campaign field with your current campaign field. As seen in the screenshot bellow, the fields in the target campaign had different names than the fields in our current campaign

As mentioned above, you can have more than one campaign target, each with their own settings:

And that is all that is required to configure your Cross-Campaign Dupe Checker. If a lead is matched against your settings, it will display as status DUPLICATED with the message Duplicated by cross-campaign check

If you have any questions about this update, or want to suggest new features that you’d like to see, our support chat is always available on or in your Lead Prosper dashboard.

We’re always rolling out new updates to make your Lead prosper experience even more efficient. Stay tuned for more exciting features!

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