Lead Prosper API Cheat Sheet - Analytics, Lead Data, and Actions
Lead Prosper has a limited API available to provide analytics data on buyers, suppliers, and campaigns. There are also limited actions that are available.
Here are the available API calls:
- Campaign Analytics
- Supplier Analytics
- Single Lead Details
- Multiple Lead Details
- All Campaign Details
- Single Campaign Details
- Pause Buyer
- Resume Buyer
Campaign Analytics
This will return campaign analytics for all of your campaigns in your account (or specific ones if you specify with the campaign parameter) over a given date range. Data points returned include:
- Campaign - id, name, public_name, leads_total, leads_accepted, leads_duplicated, leads_failed, total_buy, total_sell, and profit.
- Suppliers - id, name, client_id, client_company, leads_total, leads_accepted, leads_duplicated, leads_failed, leads_returned, total_buy, total_sell, profit, gross_cost, gross_revenue, gross_profit, returned_cost, returned_revenue, net_leads_accepted, net_profit, net_cost, net_revenue, preping_total, preping_accepted, preping_failed, pings_total, pings_accepted, pings_failed, pings_avg_bid, pings_post_ration
- Buyers - id, name, client_id, client_company, leads_total, leads_accepted, leads_duplicated, leads_failed, leads_returned, total_sell, pings_total, pings_accepted, pings_failed, returned_revenue, gross_revenue, net_leads_accepted, net_revenue
Endpoint URL: https://api.leadprosper.io/public/stats
Method: GET
Header: Authorization: Bearer {{TOKEN}}
Parameter | Required | Description | Examples |
start_date | Yes | Results start date Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
2025-01-01 |
end_date | Yes | Results end date Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
2025-01-30 |
timezone | No | Timezone for date range (if different from campaign setting) | America/New_York, America/Chicago, America/Phoenix, America/Los_Angeles |
campaign | No | Comma separated list of specific Campaign Ids. | campaign=2838,2394,2039 |
GET https://api.leadprosper.io/public/stats?start_date=2025-01-01&end_date=2025-01-31
Header: Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN
[ { "campaign": { "id": 21624, "name": "MVA", "public_name": "MVA", "leads_total": 6200, "leads_accepted": 151, "leads_duplicated": 1, "leads_failed": 6048, "total_buy": 280.5, "total_sell": 1503.4, "profit": 1222.9 }, "suppliers": [ { "id": 55077, "name": "Landing Page/Form/Submission", "client_id": 10673, "client_company": "PrecisionProspects", "leads_total": 3100, "leads_accepted": 51, "leads_duplicated": 0, "leads_failed": 3049, "leads_returned": 0, "total_buy": 280.5, "total_sell": 669.1, "profit": 388.6, "gross_cost": 280.5, "gross_revenue": 669.1, "gross_profit": 388.6, "returned_cost": 0, "returned_revenue": 0, "net_leads_accepted": 51, "net_profit": 388.6, "net_cost": 280.5, "net_revenue": 669.1, "preping_total": 0, "preping_accepted": 0, "preping_failed": 0, "pings_total": 0, "pings_accepted": 0, "pings_failed": 0, "pings_avg_bid": 0, "pings_post_ratio": 0 }, { "id": 55079, "name": "EngageMore Advertising", "client_id": 12528, "client_company": "EngageMore Advertising", "leads_total": 3100, "leads_accepted": 100, "leads_duplicated": 1, "leads_failed": 2999, "leads_returned": 0, "total_buy": 0, "total_sell": 834.3, "profit": 834.3, "gross_cost": 0, "gross_revenue": 834.3, "gross_profit": 834.3, "returned_cost": 0, "returned_revenue": 0, "net_leads_accepted": 100, "net_profit": 834.3, "net_cost": 0, "net_revenue": 834.3, "preping_total": 0, "preping_accepted": 0, "preping_failed": 0, "pings_total": 0, "pings_accepted": 0, "pings_failed": 0, "pings_avg_bid": 0, "pings_post_ratio": 0 } ], "buyers": [ { "id": 55080, "name": "ConversionCatalyst", "client_id": 6898, "client_company": "ConversionCatalyst", "leads_total": 15, "leads_accepted": 11, "leads_duplicated": 3, "leads_failed": 1, "leads_returned": 0, "total_sell": 165, "pings_total": 0, "pings_accepted": 0, "pings_failed": 0, "returned_revenue": 0, "gross_revenue": 165, "net_leads_accepted": 11, "net_revenue": 165 }, { "id": 55082, "name": "NexGen Leads", "client_id": 17147, "client_company": "NexGen Leads", "leads_total": 141, "leads_accepted": 87, "leads_duplicated": 5, "leads_failed": 49, "leads_returned": 0, "total_sell": 1338.4, "pings_total": 151, "pings_accepted": 150, "pings_failed": 1, "returned_revenue": 0, "gross_revenue": 1338.4, "net_leads_accepted": 87, "net_revenue": 1338.4 } ] } ]
Supplier Analytics
Returns details about an individual Supplier
Endpoint URL: https://api.leadprosper.io/public/stats
Method: GET
Header: Authorization: Bearer {{TOKEN}}
Parameter | Required | Description | Examples |
start_date | Yes | Results start date Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
2025-01-01 |
end_date | Yes | Results end date Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
2025-01-30 |
campaign | Yes | Campaign ID of a single Campaign | campaign=2838 |
supplier | Yes | Supplier ID of a single Supplier | supplier=23954 |
group | Yes | SubID value for the Campaign | Options: sub1 sub2 sub1sub2 |
timezone | No | Timezone for date range (if different from campaign setting) | America/New_York, America/Chicago, America/Phoenix, America/Los_Angeles |
Header: Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN
[ { "campaign": { "id": 21624, "name": "MVA", "public_name": "MVA", "leads_total": 6200, "leads_accepted": 151, "leads_duplicated": 1, "leads_failed": 6048, "total_buy": 280.5, "total_sell": 1503.4, "profit": 1222.9 }, "suppliers": [ { "id": 55077, "name": "Landing Page/Form/Submission", "client_id": 10673, "client_company": "PrecisionProspects", "leads_total": 3100, "leads_accepted": 51, "leads_duplicated": 0, "leads_failed": 3049, "leads_returned": 0, "total_buy": 280.5, "total_sell": 669.1, "profit": 388.6, "gross_cost": 280.5, "gross_revenue": 669.1, "gross_profit": 388.6, "returned_cost": 0, "returned_revenue": 0, "net_leads_accepted": 51, "net_profit": 388.6, "net_cost": 280.5, "net_revenue": 669.1, "preping_total": 0, "preping_accepted": 0, "preping_failed": 0, "pings_total": 0, "pings_accepted": 0, "pings_failed": 0, "pings_avg_bid": 0, "pings_post_ratio": 0 }, { "id": 55079, "name": "EngageMore Advertising", "client_id": 12528, "client_company": "EngageMore Advertising", "leads_total": 3100, "leads_accepted": 100, "leads_duplicated": 1, "leads_failed": 2999, "leads_returned": 0, "total_buy": 0, "total_sell": 834.3, "profit": 834.3, "gross_cost": 0, "gross_revenue": 834.3, "gross_profit": 834.3, "returned_cost": 0, "returned_revenue": 0, "net_leads_accepted": 100, "net_profit": 834.3, "net_cost": 0, "net_revenue": 834.3, "preping_total": 0, "preping_accepted": 0, "preping_failed": 0, "pings_total": 0, "pings_accepted": 0, "pings_failed": 0, "pings_avg_bid": 0, "pings_post_ratio": 0 } ], "buyers": [ { "id": 55080, "name": "ConversionCatalyst", "client_id": 6898, "client_company": "ConversionCatalyst", "leads_total": 15, "leads_accepted": 11, "leads_duplicated": 3, "leads_failed": 1, "leads_returned": 0, "total_sell": 165, "pings_total": 0, "pings_accepted": 0, "pings_failed": 0, "returned_revenue": 0, "gross_revenue": 165, "net_leads_accepted": 11, "net_revenue": 165 }, { "id": 55082, "name": "NexGen Leads", "client_id": 17147, "client_company": "NexGen Leads", "leads_total": 141, "leads_accepted": 87, "leads_duplicated": 5, "leads_failed": 49, "leads_returned": 0, "total_sell": 1338.4, "pings_total": 151, "pings_accepted": 150, "pings_failed": 1, "returned_revenue": 0, "gross_revenue": 1338.4, "net_leads_accepted": 87, "net_revenue": 1338.4 }, { "id": 55083, "name": "LeadSynergy Network", "client_id": 4083, "client_company": "LeadSynergy Network", "leads_total": 57, "leads_accepted": 0, "leads_duplicated": 0, "leads_failed": 57, "leads_returned": 0, "total_sell": 0, "pings_total": 0, "pings_accepted": 0, "pings_failed": 0, "returned_revenue": 0, "gross_revenue": 0, "net_leads_accepted": 0, "net_revenue": 0 }, { "id": 55084, "name": "EchoPoint Media", "client_id": 19588, "client_company": "EchoPoint Media", "leads_total": 53, "leads_accepted": 53, "leads_duplicated": 0, "leads_failed": 0, "leads_returned": 0, "total_sell": 0, "pings_total": 0, "pings_accepted": 0, "pings_failed": 0, "returned_revenue": 0, "gross_revenue": 0, "net_leads_accepted": 53, "net_revenue": 0 } ] } ]
Single Lead Details
Returns key data points for an individual lead based on the lp_lead_id, including ID, status, error_code, error_message, cost, revenue, lead_data, suppliers (id, name, client, status, error_code, error_message, sell_price), buyers (id, name, client, status, error_code, error_message, sell_price).
Endpoint URL: https://api.leadprosper.io/public/lead/{lead_ID}
Method: GET
Header: Authorization: Bearer {{TOKEN}}
Parameter | Required | Description | Examples |
{lead_ID} | Yes | Replace with a single lead_id from your account. | Oi_PE5UB8JeApcHI06lG |
GET https://api.leadprosper.io/public/lead/Oi_PE5UB8JeApcHI06lG
Header: Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN
{ "id": "Oi_PE5UB8JeApcHI06lG", "status": "ACCEPTED", "error_code": 0, "error_message": "", "test": false, "cost": 13.3, "revenue": 19, "campaign_id": 21626, "campaign_name": "Solar Exchange", "lead_data": { "lp_subid1": "sub1_a", "lp_subid2": "sub2_one", "zip_code": "01341", "home_owner": "Yes", "monthly_bill": "$400", "shade": "Full Shade", "first_name": "Leanne", "last_name": "Sanford", "email": "ahamill@example.org", "phone": "4103097989", "address": "847 Weber Groves Suite 308", "city": "North Aida", "state": "NM", "ip_address": "36e1:e77:b803:84d5:303:cf53:1cc8:31bb", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:7.0) Gecko/20170324 Firefox/36.0", "landing_page_url": "https://example.org/aliquid", "jornaya_leadid": "AAE08A69-B688-319C-81B4-965529B1648A", "trustedform_cert_url": "https://cert.trustedform.com/8a04a0b5e4bd36f17d9dc1c15d88b7fe7488e399", "lp_ping_id": "9e3bbd2d-c182-4ff5-bc9c-e6a0c550c16c" }, "supplier": { "id": 55086, "name": "EngageMore Advertising", "client": { "id": 12528, "name": "EngageMore Advertising" } }, "buyers": [ { "id": 55088, "name": "LeadSynergy Network", "client": { "id": 4083, "name": "LeadSynergy Network" }, "status": "ACCEPTED", "error_code": 0, "error_message": "", "sell_price": 19 }, { "id": 55087, "name": "CoreConnect Leads", "client": { "id": 13006, "name": "CoreConnect Leads" }, "status": "PINGED", "error_code": 0, "error_message": "", "sell_price": 0 }, { "id": 55090, "name": "Gold Mark Co.", "client": { "id": 16543, "name": "Gold Mark Co." }, "status": "PINGED", "error_code": 0, "error_message": "", "sell_price": 0 } ] }
Multiple Lead Details
Returns key data points for multiple leads in a single campaign based on the campaign, start_date, end_date, timezone, and lead status.
Data points returned include ID, status, error_code, error_message, cost, revenue, lead_data, suppliers (id, name, client, status, error_code, error_message, sell_price), buyers (id, name, client, status, error_code, error_message, sell_price).
Returned results are limited to 100 at a time. To get more results using pagination you must run an additional query with the "search_after" value from the previous returned results. Read more here.
Endpoint URL: https://api.leadprosper.io/public/leads
Method: GET
Header: Authorization: Bearer {{TOKEN}}
Parameter | Required | Description | Examples |
start_date | Yes | Results start date Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
2025-01-01 |
end_date | Yes | Results end date Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
2025-01-30 |
campaign | Yes | Campaign ID of a single Campaign | campaign=2838 |
timezone | Yes | Timezone for date range (if different from campaign setting) | America/New_York, America/Chicago, America/Phoenix, America/Los_Angeles |
status | No | Lead Status | Options: Accepted Rejected Duplicated |
search_after | No | Value used for pagination |
Header: Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN
{ "leads": [ { "id": "m-40dpQB8JeApcHIrulS", "lead_date_ms": "1737149951570", "status": "ACCEPTED", "error_code": 0, "error_message": "", "test": false, "cost": 7.11, "revenue": 7.9, "campaign_id": 23880, "campaign_name": "One to one DEMO", "lead_data": { "lp_ping_id": "9dfe2c22-959a-4636-88c9-1e83c397e6cc", "lp_consent_bids": "9dfe2c22-eb95-416d-8ae0-fde65c5a6eb1,9dfe2c22-eb89-44de-9570-653b02ffee74", "modernize_selected_bids": "", "first_name": "Taylor", "last_name": "Taylor", "phone": "2880403044", "zip_code": "90067", "project_type": "repair", "number_of_windows": "1" }, "supplier": { "id": 65500, "name": "Supplier1", "client": { "id": 1859, "name": "Supplier1" } }, "buyers": [ { "id": 65505, "name": "Aggregators", "client": { "id": 28515, "name": "Business 0" }, "status": "ACCEPTED", "error_code": 0, "error_message": "", "sell_price": 7.9 } ] }, { "id": "eqgydpQB8J-QmL7XLdHZ", "lead_date_ms": "1737149787609", "status": "ACCEPTED", "error_code": 0, "error_message": "", "test": false, "cost": 4.5, "revenue": 5, "campaign_id": 23880, "campaign_name": "One to one DEMO", "lead_data": { "lp_ping_id": "9dfe2b7d-fe52-4078-a9b1-e7264d524765", "lp_consent_bids": "9dfe2b7e-4eae-4932-9feb-3cd46e7b533c,9dfe2b93-fbc5-4156-8628-a739b6c2248d", "modernize_selected_bids": "", "first_name": "Chris", "last_name": "Smith", "phone": "1514731260", "zip_code": "30038", "project_type": "repair", "number_of_windows": "1" }, "supplier": { "id": 65500, "name": "Supplier1", "client": { "id": 1859, "name": "Supplier1" } }, "buyers": [ { "id": 65505, "name": "Aggregators", "client": { "id": 28515, "name": "Business 0" }, "status": "ERROR", "error_code": 1006, "error_message": "Rejected by buyer", "sell_price": 0 }, { "id": 65501, "name": "Direct Post", "client": { "id": 1858, "name": "Business 1" }, "status": "ACCEPTED", "error_code": 0, "error_message": "", "sell_price": 5 } ] }, { "id": "tVnEZZQB8JeApcHImTna", "lead_date_ms": "1736874170842", "status": "ERROR", "error_code": 1035, "error_message": "PING timeout exceeded", "test": false, "cost": 0, "revenue": 0, "campaign_id": 23880, "campaign_name": "One to one DEMO", "lead_data": { "lp_ping_id": "9df7bccc-bb12-40a5-a201-952aa14a98a4", "lp_consent_bids": "9df7bcda-a597-4572-8385-3ec10dda6958", "modernize_selected_bids": "RwnmAkrGl0UnoRKiQmUpdBvKv3YjqXEK", "first_name": "Jamie", "last_name": "Rodriguez", "phone": "1779927495", "zip_code": "90019", "project_type": "repair", "number_of_windows": "1" }, "supplier": { "id": 65500, "name": "Supplier1", "client": { "id": 1859, "name": "Supplier1" } }, "buyers": [] }, { "id": "szWwUZQB8J-QmL7XnoeZ", "lead_date_ms": "1736537317016", "status": "ACCEPTED", "error_code": 0, "error_message": "", "test": false, "cost": 4.5, "revenue": 5, "campaign_id": 23880, "campaign_name": "One to one DEMO", "lead_data": { "lp_ping_id": "9defe819-17fe-4a01-b6fd-cf0e600b9265", "lp_consent_bids": "9defe826-18f0-4780-b168-5d48f78ef45b,9defe826-1893-433b-84b7-6759ef04c217", "modernize_selected_bids": "lOaPNGrzkqiDGams67HVJ7mJV3JQkXVK,9xoV1O3BKjfGp4wOcXzCemBEmegaXKbD", "first_name": "Taylor", "last_name": "Rodriguez", "phone": "5477276145", "zip_code": "20017", "project_type": "repair", "number_of_windows": "1" }, "supplier": { "id": 65500, "name": "Supplier1", "client": { "id": 1859, "name": "Supplier1" } }, "buyers": [ { "id": 66496, "name": "HomeServices-Aggregator", "client": { "id": 1858, "name": "Business 1" }, "status": "ERROR", "error_code": 1006, "error_message": "Rejected by buyer", "sell_price": 0 }, { "id": 65501, "name": "Direct Post", "client": { "id": 1858, "name": "Business 1" }, "status": "ACCEPTED", "error_code": 0, "error_message": "", "sell_price": 5 } ] }, { "id": "mHCXSJQB8JeApcHI-i_2", "lead_date_ms": "1736384707318", "status": "ACCEPTED", "error_code": 0, "error_message": "", "test": false, "cost": 8.37, "revenue": 9.3, "campaign_id": 23880, "campaign_name": "One to one DEMO", "lead_data": { "lp_ping_id": "9dec5a82-2f34-4be2-a83c-3835c71243ce", "lp_consent_bids": "9dec5a82-bb38-421e-9321-eca1fa479a5c,9dec5a90-82d6-47a6-9ee2-bebd4cbb52cb", "modernize_selected_bids": "PGBJZYrJakizxdqiZXTYZXPeL5NdLe06,1KNPyAgQWLubq0V7Ca8cJ2blPWrzOMlX", "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Smith", "phone": "5498398712", "zip_code": "70003", "project_type": "repair", "number_of_windows": "1" }, "supplier": { "id": 65500, "name": "Supplier1", "client": { "id": 1859, "name": "Supplier1" } }, "buyers": [ { "id": 66496, "name": "HomeServices-Aggregator", "client": { "id": 1858, "name": "Business 1" }, "status": "ERROR", "error_code": 1006, "error_message": "Rejected by buyer", "sell_price": 0 }, { "id": 65505, "name": "Aggregators", "client": { "id": 28515, "name": "Business 0" }, "status": "ACCEPTED", "error_code": 0, "error_message": "", "sell_price": 9.3 } ] }, { "id": "818SLpQB8JeApcHIsq4P", "lead_date_ms": "1735939764751", "status": "ACCEPTED", "error_code": 0, "error_message": "", "test": false, "cost": 4.5, "revenue": 5, "campaign_id": 23880, "campaign_name": "One to one DEMO", "lead_data": { "lp_ping_id": "9de1fda7-97e5-40ff-b024-510e36fcde56", "lp_consent_bids": "9de1fdb9-076a-4550-a371-6d544badb525,9de1fdb9-0706-4806-af5a-d79b58410cfd", "modernize_selected_bids": "LDX0NaBrAAsvo9NUJsO4NJbwrYzVqdPn,4BX98ZdglzsYnNWwFpsdqjZmKrG7eQ2M", "first_name": "Pat", "last_name": "Davis", "phone": "4551210631", "zip_code": "80040", "project_type": "repair", "number_of_windows": "1" }, "supplier": { "id": 65500, "name": "Supplier1", "client": { "id": 1859, "name": "Supplier1" } }, "buyers": [ { "id": 65501, "name": "Direct Post", "client": { "id": 1858, "name": "Business 1" }, "status": "ACCEPTED", "error_code": 0, "error_message": "", "sell_price": 5 }, { "id": 66496, "name": "HomeServices-Aggregator", "client": { "id": 1858, "name": "Business 1" }, "status": "ERROR", "error_code": 1006, "error_message": "Rejected by buyer", "sell_price": 0 } ] } ], "search_after": "1735939764751" }
By default we can only return a maximum of 100 leads per request. We have implemented a key "search_after" with a value that is returned in the API response that indicates if there are additional leads to be returned. If there is a value for "search_after" you can run your previous API request and append that value to the "search_after" parameter in order to return the next batch of 100 leads. If there are still more leads to be returned a new value will be returned in the "search_after" key, and you can repeat until there is no value in "search_after" to get the full list of leads for your parameters.
Header: Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN
All Campaign Details
Returns a list of all campaigns in an account along with individual campaign details including id, name, public_name, suppliers, buyers, campaign fields, and data related to campaign caps.
Endpoint URL: https://api.leadprosper.io/public/campaigns
Method: GET
Header: Authorization: Bearer {{TOKEN}}
Parameters: None
GET https://api.leadprosper.io/public/campaigns
Header: Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN
[ { "id": 21624, "name": "MVA", "public_name": "MVA", "suppliers": [ { "id": 55077, "client_id": 10673, "client_name": "PrecisionProspects", "nickname": "Landing Page/Form/Submission", "paused": 0, "test_mode": 0, "hash": "2yaxvv2ixl65", "api_specs_url": "https://api.leadprosper.io/api-specs?hash=2yaxvv2ixl65", "caps": { "leads": [ { "limit": 50, "used": "0", "type": "day" }, { "limit": 200, "used": "0", "type": "total" } ], "budget": [] } }, { "id": 55078, "client_id": 5457, "client_name": "AdFlux Strategies", "nickname": null, "paused": 0, "test_mode": 0, "hash": "ypa355nbo2yk", "api_specs_url": "https://api.leadprosper.io/api-specs?hash=ypa355nbo2yk", "caps": [] }, { "id": 55079, "client_id": 12528, "client_name": "EngageMore Advertising", "nickname": null, "paused": 0, "test_mode": 0, "hash": "w2ae66xu0535", "api_specs_url": "https://api.leadprosper.io/api-specs?hash=w2ae66xu0535", "caps": [] }, { "id": 66530, "client_id": 28787, "client_name": "Company ABC", "nickname": null, "paused": 0, "test_mode": 0, "hash": "xoaloonsl3pr", "api_specs_url": "https://api.leadprosper.io/api-specs?hash=xoaloonsl3pr", "caps": [] } ], "buyers": [ { "id": 55080, "client_id": 6898, "client_name": "ConversionCatalyst", "nickname": null, "paused": 0, "caps": { "leads": [ { "limit": 25, "used": "0", "type": "day" }, { "limit": 5000, "used": "0", "type": "total" } ], "budget": [] } }, { "id": 55082, "client_id": 17147, "client_name": "NexGen Leads", "nickname": null, "paused": 0, "caps": [] }, { "id": 55083, "client_id": 4083, "client_name": "LeadSynergy Network", "nickname": null, "paused": 0, "caps": { "leads": [ { "limit": 20, "used": "0", "type": "day" }, { "limit": 100, "used": "0", "type": "week" }, { "limit": 500, "used": "0", "type": "month" }, { "limit": 5000, "used": "0", "type": "total" } ], "budget": [] } }, { "id": 55084, "client_id": 19588, "client_name": "EchoPoint Media", "nickname": null, "paused": 0, "caps": [] } ], "fields": [ "first_name", "last_name", "email", "phone", "date_of_birth", "gender", "address", "city", "state", "zip_code", "ip_address", "user_agent", "landing_page_url", "jornaya_leadid", "trustedform_cert_url", "debt_amount", "retirement_account", "click_id", "sum", "vehicle_type", "new_field", "lp_subid1", "lp_subid2" ] }, { "id": 24240, "name": "One-To-One", "public_name": "One-To-One", "suppliers": [ { "id": 67649, "client_id": 28284, "client_name": "Landing Page A", "nickname": "15627", "paused": 0, "test_mode": 1, "hash": "50ak723fr2wz", "api_specs_url": "https://api.leadprosper.io/api-specs?hash=50ak723fr2wz", "caps": [] } ], "buyers": [], "fields": [ "first_name", "last_name", "email", "phone", "date_of_birth", "gender", "address", "city", "state", "zip_code", "ip_address", "user_agent", "landing_page_url", "jornaya_leadid", "trustedform_cert_url", "franchise_type", "home_owner", "time_frame", "project_type", "type_of_windows", "window_material", "lp_subid1", "lp_subid2" ] }, { "id": 21626, "name": "Solar Exchange", "public_name": "Public Name Solar", "suppliers": [ { "id": 55085, "client_id": 3399, "client_name": "QuantumClicks Media", "nickname": null, "paused": 0, "test_mode": 0, "hash": "pgan11mcpo1r", "api_specs_url": "https://api.leadprosper.io/api-specs?hash=pgan11mcpo1r", "caps": [] }, { "id": 55086, "client_id": 12528, "client_name": "EngageMore Advertising", "nickname": null, "paused": 0, "test_mode": 0, "hash": "vnagmmkbkpxw", "api_specs_url": "https://api.leadprosper.io/api-specs?hash=vnagmmkbkpxw", "caps": [] } ], "buyers": [ { "id": 55087, "client_id": 13006, "client_name": "CoreConnect Leads", "nickname": null, "paused": 0, "caps": [] }, { "id": 55088, "client_id": 4083, "client_name": "LeadSynergy Network", "nickname": null, "paused": 0, "caps": [] }, { "id": 55090, "client_id": 16543, "client_name": "Gold Mark Co.", "nickname": null, "paused": 0, "caps": [] } ], "fields": [ "first_name", "last_name", "email", "phone", "address", "city", "state", "zip_code", "ip_address", "user_agent", "landing_page_url", "jornaya_leadid", "trustedform_cert_url", "home_owner", "time_frame", "monthly_electric_bill", "utility_provider", "roof_shade", "property_type", "credit_rating", "roof_type", "lp_subid1", "lp_subid2" ] } ]
Single Campaign Details
Returns key data points for an individual campaign based on the campaign_id, including ID, name, public_name, suppliers (including id, client_id, client_name, nickname, paused, test_mode, hash value, api_specs_url, and caps), and campaign fields.
Endpoint URL: https://api.leadprosper.io/public/campaigns/{campaign_ID}
Method: GET
Header: Authorization: Bearer {{TOKEN}}
Parameter | Required | Description | Examples |
{campaign_ID} | Yes | Replace with a single campaign_id from your account. | 21626 |
GET https://api.leadprosper.io/public/campaigns/21626
Header: Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN
{ "id": 21626, "name": "Solar Exchange", "public_name": "Public Name Solar", "suppliers": [ { "id": 55085, "client_id": 3399, "client_name": "QuantumClicks Media", "nickname": null, "paused": 0, "test_mode": 0, "hash": "pgan11mcpo1r", "api_specs_url": "https://api.leadprosper.io/api-specs?hash=pgan11mcpo1r", "caps": [] }, { "id": 55086, "client_id": 12528, "client_name": "EngageMore Advertising", "nickname": null, "paused": 0, "test_mode": 0, "hash": "vnagmmkbkpxw", "api_specs_url": "https://api.leadprosper.io/api-specs?hash=vnagmmkbkpxw", "caps": [] } ], "buyers": [ { "id": 55087, "client_id": 13006, "client_name": "CoreConnect Leads", "nickname": null, "paused": 0, "caps": [] }, { "id": 55088, "client_id": 4083, "client_name": "LeadSynergy Network", "nickname": null, "paused": 0, "caps": [] }, { "id": 55090, "client_id": 16543, "client_name": "Gold Mark Co.", "nickname": null, "paused": 0, "caps": [] } ], "fields": [ "first_name", "last_name", "email", "phone", "address", "city", "state", "zip_code", "ip_address", "user_agent", "landing_page_url", "jornaya_leadid", "trustedform_cert_url", "home_owner", "time_frame", "monthly_electric_bill", "utility_provider", "roof_shade", "property_type", "credit_rating", "roof_type", "lp_subid1", "lp_subid2" ] }
Pause Buyer
Allows you to pause a specific buyer through an API call.
Endpoint URL: https://api.leadprosper.io/public/campaigns/{campaign_ID}/pause_buyer/{buyer_ID}
Method: GET
Header: Authorization: Bearer {{TOKEN}}
Parameter | Required | Description | Examples |
{campaign_id} | Yes | Replace with the campaign_id your buyer belongs to. | 21626 |
{buyer_id} | Yes | Replace with the buyer_id you want to pause. | 55087 |
GET https://api.leadprosper.io/public/campaigns/21626/pause_buyer/55087
Header: Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN
{ "status": "success", "data": [] }
Error response (if buyer is already paused):
{ "status": "error", "message": "Buyer is already paused", "details": null }
Resume Buyer
Allows you to resume a specific buyer through an API call.
Endpoint URL: https://api.leadprosper.io/public/campaigns/{campaign_ID}/resume_buyer/{buyer_ID}
Method: GET
Header: Authorization: Bearer {{TOKEN}}
Parameter | Required | Description | Examples |
{campaign_id} | Yes | Replace with the campaign_id your buyer belongs to. | 21626 |
{buyer_id} | Yes | Replace with the buyer_id you want to resume. | 55087 |
GET https://api.leadprosper.io/public/campaigns/21626/resume_buyer/55087
Header: Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN
{ "status": "success", "data": [] }
Error response (if buyer is already live):
{ "status": "error", "message": "Buyer is already live", "details": null }