Lead Prosper API Cheat Sheet - Analytics, Lead Data, and Actions

Lead Prosper has a limited API available to provide analytics data on buyers, suppliers, and campaigns. There are also limited actions that are available.

Here are the available API calls:

  1. Campaign Analytics
  2. Supplier Analytics
  3. Single Lead Details
  4. Multiple Lead Details
  5. All Campaign Details
  6. Single Campaign Details
  7. Pause Buyer
  8. Resume Buyer

Campaign Analytics

This will return campaign analytics for all of your campaigns in your account (or specific ones if you specify with the campaign parameter) over a given date range. Data points returned include:

  • Campaign - id, name, public_name, leads_total, leads_accepted, leads_duplicated, leads_failed, total_buy, total_sell, and profit.
  • Suppliers - id, name, client_id, client_company, leads_total, leads_accepted, leads_duplicated, leads_failed, leads_returned, total_buy, total_sell, profit, gross_cost, gross_revenue, gross_profit, returned_cost, returned_revenue, net_leads_accepted, net_profit, net_cost, net_revenue, preping_total, preping_accepted, preping_failed, pings_total, pings_accepted, pings_failed, pings_avg_bid, pings_post_ration
  • Buyers - id, name, client_id, client_company, leads_total, leads_accepted, leads_duplicated, leads_failed, leads_returned, total_sell, pings_total, pings_accepted, pings_failed, returned_revenue, gross_revenue, net_leads_accepted, net_revenue

Endpoint URL: https://api.leadprosper.io/public/stats

Method: GET

Header: Authorization: Bearer {{TOKEN}}


Parameter Required Description Examples
start_date Yes

Results start date

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

end_date Yes

Results end date

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

timezone No Timezone for date range (if different from campaign setting) America/New_York, America/Chicago, America/Phoenix, America/Los_Angeles
campaign No Comma separated list of specific Campaign Ids. campaign=2838,2394,2039


GET https://api.leadprosper.io/public/stats?start_date=2025-01-01&end_date=2025-01-31

Header: Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN


        "campaign": {
            "id": 21624,
            "name": "MVA",
            "public_name": "MVA",
            "leads_total": 6200,
            "leads_accepted": 151,
            "leads_duplicated": 1,
            "leads_failed": 6048,
            "total_buy": 280.5,
            "total_sell": 1503.4,
            "profit": 1222.9
        "suppliers": [
                "id": 55077,
                "name": "Landing Page/Form/Submission",
                "client_id": 10673,
                "client_company": "PrecisionProspects",
                "leads_total": 3100,
                "leads_accepted": 51,
                "leads_duplicated": 0,
                "leads_failed": 3049,
                "leads_returned": 0,
                "total_buy": 280.5,
                "total_sell": 669.1,
                "profit": 388.6,
                "gross_cost": 280.5,
                "gross_revenue": 669.1,
                "gross_profit": 388.6,
                "returned_cost": 0,
                "returned_revenue": 0,
                "net_leads_accepted": 51,
                "net_profit": 388.6,
                "net_cost": 280.5,
                "net_revenue": 669.1,
                "preping_total": 0,
                "preping_accepted": 0,
                "preping_failed": 0,
                "pings_total": 0,
                "pings_accepted": 0,
                "pings_failed": 0,
                "pings_avg_bid": 0,
                "pings_post_ratio": 0
                "id": 55079,
                "name": "EngageMore Advertising",
                "client_id": 12528,
                "client_company": "EngageMore Advertising",
                "leads_total": 3100,
                "leads_accepted": 100,
                "leads_duplicated": 1,
                "leads_failed": 2999,
                "leads_returned": 0,
                "total_buy": 0,
                "total_sell": 834.3,
                "profit": 834.3,
                "gross_cost": 0,
                "gross_revenue": 834.3,
                "gross_profit": 834.3,
                "returned_cost": 0,
                "returned_revenue": 0,
                "net_leads_accepted": 100,
                "net_profit": 834.3,
                "net_cost": 0,
                "net_revenue": 834.3,
                "preping_total": 0,
                "preping_accepted": 0,
                "preping_failed": 0,
                "pings_total": 0,
                "pings_accepted": 0,
                "pings_failed": 0,
                "pings_avg_bid": 0,
                "pings_post_ratio": 0
        "buyers": [
                "id": 55080,
                "name": "ConversionCatalyst",
                "client_id": 6898,
                "client_company": "ConversionCatalyst",
                "leads_total": 15,
                "leads_accepted": 11,
                "leads_duplicated": 3,
                "leads_failed": 1,
                "leads_returned": 0,
                "total_sell": 165,
                "pings_total": 0,
                "pings_accepted": 0,
                "pings_failed": 0,
                "returned_revenue": 0,
                "gross_revenue": 165,
                "net_leads_accepted": 11,
                "net_revenue": 165
                "id": 55082,
                "name": "NexGen Leads",
                "client_id": 17147,
                "client_company": "NexGen Leads",
                "leads_total": 141,
                "leads_accepted": 87,
                "leads_duplicated": 5,
                "leads_failed": 49,
                "leads_returned": 0,
                "total_sell": 1338.4,
                "pings_total": 151,
                "pings_accepted": 150,
                "pings_failed": 1,
                "returned_revenue": 0,
                "gross_revenue": 1338.4,
                "net_leads_accepted": 87,
                "net_revenue": 1338.4

Supplier Analytics

Returns details about an individual Supplier

Endpoint URL: https://api.leadprosper.io/public/stats

Method: GET

Header: Authorization: Bearer {{TOKEN}}


Parameter Required Description Examples
start_date Yes

Results start date

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

end_date Yes

Results end date

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

campaign Yes Campaign ID of a single Campaign campaign=2838
supplier Yes Supplier ID of a single Supplier supplier=23954
group Yes SubID value for the Campaign





timezone No Timezone for date range (if different from campaign setting) America/New_York, America/Chicago, America/Phoenix, America/Los_Angeles


GET https://api.leadprosper.io/public/stats?start_date=2025-01-01&end_date=2025-01-31&campaign=21624&supplier=55077&group=sub2

Header: Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN


        "campaign": {
            "id": 21624,
            "name": "MVA",
            "public_name": "MVA",
            "leads_total": 6200,
            "leads_accepted": 151,
            "leads_duplicated": 1,
            "leads_failed": 6048,
            "total_buy": 280.5,
            "total_sell": 1503.4,
            "profit": 1222.9
        "suppliers": [
                "id": 55077,
                "name": "Landing Page/Form/Submission",
                "client_id": 10673,
                "client_company": "PrecisionProspects",
                "leads_total": 3100,
                "leads_accepted": 51,
                "leads_duplicated": 0,
                "leads_failed": 3049,
                "leads_returned": 0,
                "total_buy": 280.5,
                "total_sell": 669.1,
                "profit": 388.6,
                "gross_cost": 280.5,
                "gross_revenue": 669.1,
                "gross_profit": 388.6,
                "returned_cost": 0,
                "returned_revenue": 0,
                "net_leads_accepted": 51,
                "net_profit": 388.6,
                "net_cost": 280.5,
                "net_revenue": 669.1,
                "preping_total": 0,
                "preping_accepted": 0,
                "preping_failed": 0,
                "pings_total": 0,
                "pings_accepted": 0,
                "pings_failed": 0,
                "pings_avg_bid": 0,
                "pings_post_ratio": 0
                "id": 55079,
                "name": "EngageMore Advertising",
                "client_id": 12528,
                "client_company": "EngageMore Advertising",
                "leads_total": 3100,
                "leads_accepted": 100,
                "leads_duplicated": 1,
                "leads_failed": 2999,
                "leads_returned": 0,
                "total_buy": 0,
                "total_sell": 834.3,
                "profit": 834.3,
                "gross_cost": 0,
                "gross_revenue": 834.3,
                "gross_profit": 834.3,
                "returned_cost": 0,
                "returned_revenue": 0,
                "net_leads_accepted": 100,
                "net_profit": 834.3,
                "net_cost": 0,
                "net_revenue": 834.3,
                "preping_total": 0,
                "preping_accepted": 0,
                "preping_failed": 0,
                "pings_total": 0,
                "pings_accepted": 0,
                "pings_failed": 0,
                "pings_avg_bid": 0,
                "pings_post_ratio": 0
        "buyers": [
                "id": 55080,
                "name": "ConversionCatalyst",
                "client_id": 6898,
                "client_company": "ConversionCatalyst",
                "leads_total": 15,
                "leads_accepted": 11,
                "leads_duplicated": 3,
                "leads_failed": 1,
                "leads_returned": 0,
                "total_sell": 165,
                "pings_total": 0,
                "pings_accepted": 0,
                "pings_failed": 0,
                "returned_revenue": 0,
                "gross_revenue": 165,
                "net_leads_accepted": 11,
                "net_revenue": 165
                "id": 55082,
                "name": "NexGen Leads",
                "client_id": 17147,
                "client_company": "NexGen Leads",
                "leads_total": 141,
                "leads_accepted": 87,
                "leads_duplicated": 5,
                "leads_failed": 49,
                "leads_returned": 0,
                "total_sell": 1338.4,
                "pings_total": 151,
                "pings_accepted": 150,
                "pings_failed": 1,
                "returned_revenue": 0,
                "gross_revenue": 1338.4,
                "net_leads_accepted": 87,
                "net_revenue": 1338.4
                "id": 55083,
                "name": "LeadSynergy Network",
                "client_id": 4083,
                "client_company": "LeadSynergy Network",
                "leads_total": 57,
                "leads_accepted": 0,
                "leads_duplicated": 0,
                "leads_failed": 57,
                "leads_returned": 0,
                "total_sell": 0,
                "pings_total": 0,
                "pings_accepted": 0,
                "pings_failed": 0,
                "returned_revenue": 0,
                "gross_revenue": 0,
                "net_leads_accepted": 0,
                "net_revenue": 0
                "id": 55084,
                "name": "EchoPoint Media",
                "client_id": 19588,
                "client_company": "EchoPoint Media",
                "leads_total": 53,
                "leads_accepted": 53,
                "leads_duplicated": 0,
                "leads_failed": 0,
                "leads_returned": 0,
                "total_sell": 0,
                "pings_total": 0,
                "pings_accepted": 0,
                "pings_failed": 0,
                "returned_revenue": 0,
                "gross_revenue": 0,
                "net_leads_accepted": 53,
                "net_revenue": 0

Single Lead Details

Returns key data points for an individual lead based on the lp_lead_id, including ID, status, error_code, error_message, cost, revenue, lead_data, suppliers (id, name, client, status, error_code, error_message, sell_price), buyers (id, name, client, status, error_code, error_message, sell_price).

Endpoint URL: https://api.leadprosper.io/public/lead/{lead_ID}

Method: GET

Header: Authorization: Bearer {{TOKEN}}


Parameter Required Description Examples
{lead_ID} Yes Replace with a single lead_id from your account. Oi_PE5UB8JeApcHI06lG


GET https://api.leadprosper.io/public/lead/Oi_PE5UB8JeApcHI06lG

Header: Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN


    "id": "Oi_PE5UB8JeApcHI06lG",
    "status": "ACCEPTED",
    "error_code": 0,
    "error_message": "",
    "test": false,
    "cost": 13.3,
    "revenue": 19,
    "campaign_id": 21626,
    "campaign_name": "Solar Exchange",
    "lead_data": {
        "lp_subid1": "sub1_a",
        "lp_subid2": "sub2_one",
        "zip_code": "01341",
        "home_owner": "Yes",
        "monthly_bill": "$400",
        "shade": "Full Shade",
        "first_name": "Leanne",
        "last_name": "Sanford",
        "email": "ahamill@example.org",
        "phone": "4103097989",
        "address": "847 Weber Groves Suite 308",
        "city": "North Aida",
        "state": "NM",
        "ip_address": "36e1:e77:b803:84d5:303:cf53:1cc8:31bb",
        "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:7.0) Gecko/20170324 Firefox/36.0",
        "landing_page_url": "https://example.org/aliquid",
        "jornaya_leadid": "AAE08A69-B688-319C-81B4-965529B1648A",
        "trustedform_cert_url": "https://cert.trustedform.com/8a04a0b5e4bd36f17d9dc1c15d88b7fe7488e399",
        "lp_ping_id": "9e3bbd2d-c182-4ff5-bc9c-e6a0c550c16c"
    "supplier": {
        "id": 55086,
        "name": "EngageMore Advertising",
        "client": {
            "id": 12528,
            "name": "EngageMore Advertising"
    "buyers": [
            "id": 55088,
            "name": "LeadSynergy Network",
            "client": {
                "id": 4083,
                "name": "LeadSynergy Network"
            "status": "ACCEPTED",
            "error_code": 0,
            "error_message": "",
            "sell_price": 19
            "id": 55087,
            "name": "CoreConnect Leads",
            "client": {
                "id": 13006,
                "name": "CoreConnect Leads"
            "status": "PINGED",
            "error_code": 0,
            "error_message": "",
            "sell_price": 0
            "id": 55090,
            "name": "Gold Mark Co.",
            "client": {
                "id": 16543,
                "name": "Gold Mark Co."
            "status": "PINGED",
            "error_code": 0,
            "error_message": "",
            "sell_price": 0

Multiple Lead Details

Returns key data points for multiple leads in a single campaign based on the campaign, start_date, end_date, timezone, and lead status.

Data points returned include ID, status, error_code, error_message, cost, revenue, lead_data, suppliers (id, name, client, status, error_code, error_message, sell_price), buyers (id, name, client, status, error_code, error_message, sell_price).

Returned results are limited to 100 at a time. To get more results using pagination you must run an additional query with the "search_after" value from the previous returned results. Read more here.

Endpoint URL: https://api.leadprosper.io/public/leads

Method: GET

Header: Authorization: Bearer {{TOKEN}}


Parameter Required Description Examples
start_date Yes

Results start date

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

end_date Yes

Results end date

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

campaign Yes Campaign ID of a single Campaign campaign=2838
timezone Yes Timezone for date range (if different from campaign setting) America/New_York, America/Chicago, America/Phoenix, America/Los_Angeles
status No Lead Status





search_after No Value used for pagination


GET https://api.leadprosper.io/public/leads?timezone=America/New_York&start_date=2025-01-01&end_date=2025-01-30&campaign=23880&search_after&status

Header: Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN


    "leads": [
            "id": "m-40dpQB8JeApcHIrulS",
            "lead_date_ms": "1737149951570",
            "status": "ACCEPTED",
            "error_code": 0,
            "error_message": "",
            "test": false,
            "cost": 7.11,
            "revenue": 7.9,
            "campaign_id": 23880,
            "campaign_name": "One to one DEMO",
            "lead_data": {
                "lp_ping_id": "9dfe2c22-959a-4636-88c9-1e83c397e6cc",
                "lp_consent_bids": "9dfe2c22-eb95-416d-8ae0-fde65c5a6eb1,9dfe2c22-eb89-44de-9570-653b02ffee74",
                "modernize_selected_bids": "",
                "first_name": "Taylor",
                "last_name": "Taylor",
                "phone": "2880403044",
                "zip_code": "90067",
                "project_type": "repair",
                "number_of_windows": "1"
            "supplier": {
                "id": 65500,
                "name": "Supplier1",
                "client": {
                    "id": 1859,
                    "name": "Supplier1"
            "buyers": [
                    "id": 65505,
                    "name": "Aggregators",
                    "client": {
                        "id": 28515,
                        "name": "Business 0"
                    "status": "ACCEPTED",
                    "error_code": 0,
                    "error_message": "",
                    "sell_price": 7.9
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            "lead_date_ms": "1737149787609",
            "status": "ACCEPTED",
            "error_code": 0,
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            "test": false,
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                    "name": "Supplier1"
            "buyers": [
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            "error_message": "PING timeout exceeded",
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                "client": {
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            "status": "ACCEPTED",
            "error_code": 0,
            "error_message": "",
            "test": false,
            "cost": 4.5,
            "revenue": 5,
            "campaign_id": 23880,
            "campaign_name": "One to one DEMO",
            "lead_data": {
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                "first_name": "Pat",
                "last_name": "Davis",
                "phone": "4551210631",
                "zip_code": "80040",
                "project_type": "repair",
                "number_of_windows": "1"
            "supplier": {
                "id": 65500,
                "name": "Supplier1",
                "client": {
                    "id": 1859,
                    "name": "Supplier1"
            "buyers": [
                    "id": 65501,
                    "name": "Direct Post",
                    "client": {
                        "id": 1858,
                        "name": "Business 1"
                    "status": "ACCEPTED",
                    "error_code": 0,
                    "error_message": "",
                    "sell_price": 5
                    "id": 66496,
                    "name": "HomeServices-Aggregator",
                    "client": {
                        "id": 1858,
                        "name": "Business 1"
                    "status": "ERROR",
                    "error_code": 1006,
                    "error_message": "Rejected by buyer",
                    "sell_price": 0
    "search_after": "1735939764751"


By default we can only return a maximum of 100 leads per request. We have implemented a key "search_after" with a value that is returned in the API response that indicates if there are additional leads to be returned. If there is a value for "search_after" you can run your previous API request and append that value to the "search_after" parameter in order to return the next batch of 100 leads. If there are still more leads to be returned a new value will be returned in the "search_after" key, and you can repeat until there is no value in "search_after" to get the full list of leads for your parameters.


GET https://api.leadprosper.io/public/leads?timezone=America/New_York&start_date=2025-01-01&end_date=2025-01-30&campaign=23880&search_after=1735939764751&status

Header: Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN

All Campaign Details

Returns a list of all campaigns in an account along with individual campaign details including id, name, public_name, suppliers, buyers, campaign fields, and data related to campaign caps.

Endpoint URL: https://api.leadprosper.io/public/campaigns

Method: GET

Header: Authorization: Bearer {{TOKEN}}

Parameters: None


GET https://api.leadprosper.io/public/campaigns

Header: Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN


        "id": 21624,
        "name": "MVA",
        "public_name": "MVA",
        "suppliers": [
                "id": 55077,
                "client_id": 10673,
                "client_name": "PrecisionProspects",
                "nickname": "Landing Page/Form/Submission",
                "paused": 0,
                "test_mode": 0,
                "hash": "2yaxvv2ixl65",
                "api_specs_url": "https://api.leadprosper.io/api-specs?hash=2yaxvv2ixl65",
                "caps": {
                    "leads": [
                            "limit": 50,
                            "used": "0",
                            "type": "day"
                            "limit": 200,
                            "used": "0",
                            "type": "total"
                    "budget": []
                "id": 55078,
                "client_id": 5457,
                "client_name": "AdFlux Strategies",
                "nickname": null,
                "paused": 0,
                "test_mode": 0,
                "hash": "ypa355nbo2yk",
                "api_specs_url": "https://api.leadprosper.io/api-specs?hash=ypa355nbo2yk",
                "caps": []
                "id": 55079,
                "client_id": 12528,
                "client_name": "EngageMore Advertising",
                "nickname": null,
                "paused": 0,
                "test_mode": 0,
                "hash": "w2ae66xu0535",
                "api_specs_url": "https://api.leadprosper.io/api-specs?hash=w2ae66xu0535",
                "caps": []
                "id": 66530,
                "client_id": 28787,
                "client_name": "Company ABC",
                "nickname": null,
                "paused": 0,
                "test_mode": 0,
                "hash": "xoaloonsl3pr",
                "api_specs_url": "https://api.leadprosper.io/api-specs?hash=xoaloonsl3pr",
                "caps": []
        "buyers": [
                "id": 55080,
                "client_id": 6898,
                "client_name": "ConversionCatalyst",
                "nickname": null,
                "paused": 0,
                "caps": {
                    "leads": [
                            "limit": 25,
                            "used": "0",
                            "type": "day"
                            "limit": 5000,
                            "used": "0",
                            "type": "total"
                    "budget": []
                "id": 55082,
                "client_id": 17147,
                "client_name": "NexGen Leads",
                "nickname": null,
                "paused": 0,
                "caps": []
                "id": 55083,
                "client_id": 4083,
                "client_name": "LeadSynergy Network",
                "nickname": null,
                "paused": 0,
                "caps": {
                    "leads": [
                            "limit": 20,
                            "used": "0",
                            "type": "day"
                            "limit": 100,
                            "used": "0",
                            "type": "week"
                            "limit": 500,
                            "used": "0",
                            "type": "month"
                            "limit": 5000,
                            "used": "0",
                            "type": "total"
                    "budget": []
                "id": 55084,
                "client_id": 19588,
                "client_name": "EchoPoint Media",
                "nickname": null,
                "paused": 0,
                "caps": []
        "fields": [
        "id": 24240,
        "name": "One-To-One",
        "public_name": "One-To-One",
        "suppliers": [
                "id": 67649,
                "client_id": 28284,
                "client_name": "Landing Page A",
                "nickname": "15627",
                "paused": 0,
                "test_mode": 1,
                "hash": "50ak723fr2wz",
                "api_specs_url": "https://api.leadprosper.io/api-specs?hash=50ak723fr2wz",
                "caps": []
        "buyers": [],
        "fields": [
        "id": 21626,
        "name": "Solar Exchange",
        "public_name": "Public Name Solar",
        "suppliers": [
                "id": 55085,
                "client_id": 3399,
                "client_name": "QuantumClicks Media",
                "nickname": null,
                "paused": 0,
                "test_mode": 0,
                "hash": "pgan11mcpo1r",
                "api_specs_url": "https://api.leadprosper.io/api-specs?hash=pgan11mcpo1r",
                "caps": []
                "id": 55086,
                "client_id": 12528,
                "client_name": "EngageMore Advertising",
                "nickname": null,
                "paused": 0,
                "test_mode": 0,
                "hash": "vnagmmkbkpxw",
                "api_specs_url": "https://api.leadprosper.io/api-specs?hash=vnagmmkbkpxw",
                "caps": []
        "buyers": [
                "id": 55087,
                "client_id": 13006,
                "client_name": "CoreConnect Leads",
                "nickname": null,
                "paused": 0,
                "caps": []
                "id": 55088,
                "client_id": 4083,
                "client_name": "LeadSynergy Network",
                "nickname": null,
                "paused": 0,
                "caps": []
                "id": 55090,
                "client_id": 16543,
                "client_name": "Gold Mark Co.",
                "nickname": null,
                "paused": 0,
                "caps": []
        "fields": [

Single Campaign Details

Returns key data points for an individual campaign based on the campaign_id, including ID, name, public_name, suppliers (including id, client_id, client_name, nickname, paused, test_mode, hash value, api_specs_url, and caps), and campaign fields.

Endpoint URL: https://api.leadprosper.io/public/campaigns/{campaign_ID}

Method: GET

Header: Authorization: Bearer {{TOKEN}}


Parameter Required Description Examples
{campaign_ID} Yes Replace with a single campaign_id from your account. 21626


GET https://api.leadprosper.io/public/campaigns/21626

Header: Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN


    "id": 21626,
    "name": "Solar Exchange",
    "public_name": "Public Name Solar",
    "suppliers": [
            "id": 55085,
            "client_id": 3399,
            "client_name": "QuantumClicks Media",
            "nickname": null,
            "paused": 0,
            "test_mode": 0,
            "hash": "pgan11mcpo1r",
            "api_specs_url": "https://api.leadprosper.io/api-specs?hash=pgan11mcpo1r",
            "caps": []
            "id": 55086,
            "client_id": 12528,
            "client_name": "EngageMore Advertising",
            "nickname": null,
            "paused": 0,
            "test_mode": 0,
            "hash": "vnagmmkbkpxw",
            "api_specs_url": "https://api.leadprosper.io/api-specs?hash=vnagmmkbkpxw",
            "caps": []
    "buyers": [
            "id": 55087,
            "client_id": 13006,
            "client_name": "CoreConnect Leads",
            "nickname": null,
            "paused": 0,
            "caps": []
            "id": 55088,
            "client_id": 4083,
            "client_name": "LeadSynergy Network",
            "nickname": null,
            "paused": 0,
            "caps": []
            "id": 55090,
            "client_id": 16543,
            "client_name": "Gold Mark Co.",
            "nickname": null,
            "paused": 0,
            "caps": []
    "fields": [

Pause Buyer

Allows you to pause a specific buyer through an API call.

Endpoint URL: https://api.leadprosper.io/public/campaigns/{campaign_ID}/pause_buyer/{buyer_ID}

Method: GET

Header: Authorization: Bearer {{TOKEN}}


Parameter Required Description Examples
{campaign_id} Yes Replace with the campaign_id your buyer belongs to. 21626
{buyer_id} Yes Replace with the buyer_id you want to pause. 55087


GET https://api.leadprosper.io/public/campaigns/21626/pause_buyer/55087

Header: Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN


    "status": "success",
    "data": []

Error response (if buyer is already paused):

    "status": "error",
    "message": "Buyer is already paused",
    "details": null

Resume Buyer

Allows you to resume a specific buyer through an API call.

Endpoint URL: https://api.leadprosper.io/public/campaigns/{campaign_ID}/resume_buyer/{buyer_ID}

Method: GET

Header: Authorization: Bearer {{TOKEN}}


Parameter Required Description Examples
{campaign_id} Yes Replace with the campaign_id your buyer belongs to. 21626
{buyer_id} Yes Replace with the buyer_id you want to resume. 55087


GET https://api.leadprosper.io/public/campaigns/21626/resume_buyer/55087

Header: Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN


    "status": "success",
    "data": []

Error response (if buyer is already live):

    "status": "error",
    "message": "Buyer is already live",
    "details": null

Still need help? Contact Us Contact Us