Real Time Action - Direct Post

The Direct Post option in the Real-Time Action section of Lead Prosper's campaign creation process is where you will build the connection between your lead Buyer and lead Supplier.

Posting URL

This is the URL Lead Prosper will post the data to if all validation criteria has been met by your field validations and filters. This URL will be found in the API spec supplied to you by the lead buyer client.

Posting Method

Select whether your API post should use the POST or GET method. Typically the lead buyer client's API spec will specify which method they would like to accept.

Payload Type

Select the format your buyer client's API will accept (Form or JSON). This will change the format in the payload field for you to easily edit.

Building the Payload

this is where you must enter the body that we will send to your buyer. This has to match exactly with your buyer's API specifications.

  • On top of the editor, you will see all the available fields and their short codes. 
  • The editor will visually display your body based on the selected payload type.
  • Please check the numbered sidebar in the editor and make sure there are no errors, as shown here:

Custom Headers

in some cases, your buyers will require special headers, such as an API key or username and password.

  • Headers can be added by specifying the Key and the Value of your headers. 
    • You can add as many as you need.
  • Some headers don't need to be added, as Lead Prosper automatically adds them. 
    • They are: 
      • Content-Type
      • Content-Length
      • Host
      • Server
  • Please consult with your buyer API documentation for more info.

Response Types

in order for Lead Prosper to know if a lead was accepted, duplicated or rejected by your buyers, you have to correctly define the ACCEPTED and DUPLICATED response values returned by your buyer.

These are VERY important. Here is where Lead Prosper will flag specific words from your buyer client's API as an ACCEPTED, DUPLICATED, or ERROR. If the response back doesn't match up with either the ACCEPTED or DUPLICATE "flag", the lead will be marked as an ERROR. You can flag either a specific word or a phrase, but it must match exactly in the response.

  • For JSON/XML responses, please refer to this document.
  • For text responses, enter the relevant text that is returned in the response that will let Lead Prosper know if the buyer accepted or flagged the lead as duplicated.
    • Example: If a lead buyer client's API response says "Lead has been accepted", the following flags would work: "Lead has been accepted" or "accepted".
  • ACCEPTED message:
    • Typical API responses for an ACCEPTED lead are: ACCEPT, ACCEPTED, SUCCESS, TRUE -- be sure to check your buyer client's API spec for more information on the potential responses.
  • DUPLICATE message: 
    • Typical API responses for a DUPLICATED lead are: DUPLICATE, DUPE, DUP, EXISTS -- be sure to check your buyer client's API spec for more information on the potential responses.

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