Payload field transformers
A very important feature in Lead Prosper is the ability to modify or transform the data passed by the suppliers before it's sent to the buyer.
This is needed in most multi buyer setups, where your supplier is passing data in a format that your buyer might not accept. Take for example a phone number. Your supplier might send it as 1 (313) 249-2384. However, your buyer wants it as 3132492384. No spaces, no extra characters, no country code.
For this purpose, Lead Prosper created a couple of handy modifiers that you can use when building your payloads to help you transform the data.
- How To
- Practical Example
- Available Transformers
- Important Notes
- Appendix A - Special Characters
- Appendix B - Valid Date Formats
- Appendix C - Output Date Formats
How to use Field Transformers
To use any transformer on any dynamic field, all you need to do is add the || symbol inside the merge tag. Example: {{Field||Transformer:Parameter}}
Some transformers need parameters, like date, where you can pass the format in which you want to get the date. Consult the table bellow for all the available transformers and their parameters.
You can use more than 1 modifier for 1 string. Example: {{Field||Transformer1||Transformer2||Transformer3}} {{field||replace:Male@@M||replace:Female@@F}}
Some transformers will need more than 1 parameter. Parameters are delimited by @@. Example: {{Field||chars:0@@4}}.
Field transformers can be use in the following places:
- real-time and webhook payload builder, for both HTTP or Email delivery
- direct post and ping/post URLs
- direct post and ping/post headers
Practical Example
Let's assume we have the following multi buyer campaign:
Our supplier generates the following lead:
- first_name: David
- dob: 02/12/1967
- phone_number: 1 (619) 267-4352
- income: $100,000
- email:
Our buyer John would like to receive the first name in upper case, lead's age instead of dob and income as a number.
On the other hand, Jane would like to receive the first name lower case, email as md5 hash, and phone as a 10-digit phone number.
To make this possible, we have to apply the following transformers to our campaign fields before we send the data to the buyer:
- to get the upper case name, we will use {{first_name||upper_case}}
- to get the lower case name, we will use {{first_name||lower_case}}
- to get the age for John, we will use {{dob||age}}
- to get the income as number, we will use {{income||number}}
- to get the md5 hash of the email, we will use {{email||encode:md5}}
- to get the phone as a 10 digit number, we will use {{phone_number||phone:10}}
Here is the final payload for John
Available transformers
# camel_case
Transforms the given input to camel case format.
Given your input is My name is John
, applying ||camel_case
will transform it to myNameIsJohn
# kebab_case
Transforms the given input to kebab case format.
Given your input is my name is john
, applying ||kebab_case
will transform it to my-name-is-john
Given your input is MY name IS John
, applying ||kebab_case
will transform it to m-y-name-i-s-john
# lower_case
Transforms the given input to lower case format.
Given your input is MY NAME IS JOHN
, applying ||lower_case
will transform it to my name is john
# upper_case
Transforms the given input to upper case format.
Given your input is my name is John
, applying ||upper_case
will transform it to MY NAME IS JOHN
# pascal_case
Transforms the given input to pasca case format.
Given your input is my name is john
, applying ||pascal_case
will transform it to MyNameIsJohn
Given your input is MY name IS John
, applying ||pascal_case
will transform it to MYNameISJohn
# snake_case
Transforms the given input to snake case format.
Given your input is my name is john
, applying ||snake_case
will transform it to my_name_is_john
Given your input is MY name IS John
, applying ||snake_case
will transform it to m_y_name_i_s_john
# slug
Transforms the given input to a URL slug format.
Given your input is My name is John
, applying ||slug
will transform it to my-name-is-john
# title
Transforms the given input into a title.
Given your input is my name is john
, applying ||title
will transform it to My Name Is John
# number
Strips the given input of any characters that are not decimal.
Optional. If provided, the output will contain the configured number of
, without rounding.
Given your input is $12,345.67
, applying ||number
will transform it to 12345.67
Given your input is $12,345.67
, applying ||number:0
will transform it to 12345
, applying ||number:1
will transform it to 12345.6
# phone
Strips the given input of any characters that are not decimal.
Optional. If provided, the output will contain only the last
Given your input is 1 (543) 221-6734
, applying ||phone
will transform it to 15432216734
Given your input is 1 (543) 221-6734
, applying ||phone:10
will transform it to 5432216734
# age
Converts a valid formatted date to a number, representing the age.
Optional. If provided, the output will contain the configured number of
Given your input is 1965/07/22
and the current date is 2021/03/31
, applying ||age
will transform it to 55
Given your input is 1965/07/22
and the current date is 2021/03/31
, applying ||age:2
will transform it to 55.73
# mask
Replaces any input with ***
Given your input is a random text
, applying ||mask
will transform it to ***
# upper_first
Converts the first character of an input to upper case.
Given your input is my name is john
, applying ||upper_first
will transform it to My name is john
# lower_first
Converts the first character of an input to upper case.
Given your input is My name is John
, applying ||lower_first
will transform it to my name is John
# encode
Encodes a given input to a specified format. Available formats are: base64
Given your input is my name is john
, applying ||encode:base64
will transform it to bXkgbmFtZSBpcyBqb2hu
Given your input is my name is john
, applying ||encode:md5
will transform it to bc6c896afca1a6f10af0fade0fa4d251
Given your input is my name is john
, applying ||encode:sha1
will transform it to 22018acc5659c6946f43e574db7635f1f3861fc7
Given your input is my email is
, applying ||encode:url
will transform it to
Given your input is my name is john
, applying ||encode:sha256
will transform it to 96d9632f363564cc3032521409cf22a852f2032eec099ed5967c0d000cec607a
Given your input is my name is john
, applying ||encode:sha512
will transform it to b7fcc6e612145267d2ffea04be754a34128c1ed8133a09bfbbabd6afe6327688aa71d47343dd36e719f35f30fa79aec540e91b81c214fddfe0bedd53370df46d
# decode
Decodes a given input from a specified format. Available formats are: base64
Given your input is bXkgbmFtZSBpcyBqb2hu
, applying ||decode:base64
will transform it to my name is john
Given your input is
, applying ||decode:url
will transform it to my email is
# escape
Escapes single quote '
, double quote "
and backslash \
Given your input is my name is "john"
, applying ||escape
will transform it to my name is \"john\"
Given your input is my name is 'john'
, applying ||escape
will transform it to my name is \'john\'
Given your input is my name is \john\
, applying ||escape
will transform it to my name is \\john\\
# trim
Remove whitespaces from start and end of the input.
Given your input is my name is john
, applying ||trim
will transform it to my name is john
# chars
Extracts a given number of characters from the input begging from a starting position.
Required. First letter is
. Can also be negative. - LENGTH
- Optional. Total number of characters to extract
Given your input is 1234 is your code
, applying ||chars:0@@4
will extract 4 characters from position 0, returning 1234
Given your input is your code is: 1234
, applying ||chars:-4
will extract the last 4 characters, returning 1234
Given your input is use 123456 to login
, applying ||chars:4@@6
will extract 6 characters from position 4, returning 123456
Given your input is your login code is: X3G4
, applying ||chars:19
will extract all characters from position 19 to the end, returning X3G4
# last
Extract the last given number of characters from the input.
- Required. Total number of characters to extract
Given your input is your code is: 1234
, applying ||last:4
will return 1234
# first
Extract the first given number of characters from the input.
- Required. Total number of characters to extract
Given your input is 1234 is your code
, applying ||first:4
will return 1234
# append
Add a given string/character at the end of the input.
- Required. String/character to append
Given your input is my name is
, applying ||append:john
will transform it my name is john
# prepend
Add a given string/character at the end of the input.
- Required. String/character to prepend
Given your input is John
, applying ||prepend:Customer name is:
will transform it Custom name is: John
# pad_left
Adds a given string/character sequence to the left (beginning) of the input, until the final output is of desired length. This can be useful to add leading 0 to numbers under 10, for example for days or months in the year.
- Required. Final desired string length, after concatenation
- Required. String/character to use
Given your input is 1
, applying ||pad_left:2@@0
will transform it to 01
Given your input is my name is john
, applying ||pad_left:20@@#
will transform it to #####my name is john
# pad_right
Same as pad_left
, but the string is added to right (end) of the input.
- Required. Final desired string length, after concatenation
- Required. String/character to use
Given your input is my name is john
, applying ||pad_right:20@@#
will transform it to my name is john#####
# pad_both
Same as pad_left
and pad_right
, but the string is added to both left (beginning) and right (end) of the input.
- Required. Final desired string length, after concatenation
- Required. String/character to use
Given your input is my name is john
, applying ||pad_both:20@@#
will transform it to ##my name is john###
# replace
Replaces a string/character with another string/character. This method is case sensitive. As a result, JOHN
will not match john
- Required. String/character to replace
Optional. String/character to use as replacement. If empty,
will be removed.
Given your input is my_name_is_john
, applying ||replace:_@@^
will transform it to my^name^is^john
Given your input is my name is john
, applying ||replace:john@@jane
will transform it to my name is jane
Given your input is my name is john
, applying ||replace:JOHN@@jane
will transform it to my name is john
Given your input is your code is 1234
, applying ||replace:your
will transform it to code is 1234
# remove_chars
Finds and remove a list of characters from the input. This method is case sensitive. As a result, J
will not match j
This method will remove invididual characters, not strings. Use replace
if you need to remove full words.
- Required. List of characters to remove
Given your input is my name is john
, applying ||remove_chars:mn
will transform it to y ae is joh
Given your input is my name is john
, applying ||remove_chars:MN
will transform it to my name is john
# fallback
This method allows you to set a default value for an empty input parameter.
- Required. String to return
Given your input is my name is john
, applying ||fallback:this is a test
will return my name is john
, because your input field is not empty.
Given your input is
, applying ||fallback:this is a test
will return this is a test
# date
This method allows you to format a valid formatted date to another format. Check Appendix C for possible output formats.
- Required. Valid date format
- Optional. The source format of the date value. IMPORTANT: This field is required only when your field is not configured as a Date-Time field in your campaign and it starts with the month (m/d/Y, m-d-Y, etc) or the day (d/m/Y, d-m-Y, etc). Consider this date: 04-06-2023. The system can't correctly know if 04 is the month or the day.
Given your input is 2015/07/21
, applying ||date:Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z
will transform it 2015-07-21T00:00:00Z
Given your input is 2015-07-21 01:23:45 PM
, applying ||date:Y-m-d H:i:s
will transform it 2015-07-21 13:23:45
Given your input is 2020-02-03 23:45:23
, applying ||date:Y-m-d h:i:s A
will transform it 2020-02-03 11:45:23 PM
Given your input is 07-23-2000
and your field date format is 01/15/2000
(m/d/Y), applying ||date:Y-m-d
will fail, because the date starts with a month. Applying ||date:Y-m-d@@m/d/Y
will transform the date to 2000-07-23. Please make sure the SOURCE FORMAT matches your campaign field date format, otherwise the transformer will ignore the date.
# date_add
This method allows you to add an interval of time to a date.
- Required. Valid interval. Possible values are: Y, M, W, D, h, m, s
Important notes:
- The date might not start with the month. Please use the date transformer to format the date to a different format before applying date_add or date_sub transformers
- The output value will always be in this format: Y-M-D H:M:S, regardless if the input date was just Y-M-D or any other format. As such, it might be required that, after applying this transfomer, you will need to use the date transformer to correct the output.
- You can use any combination of the intervals, and omit the ones with 0. Ex: 1M 1m 10s will add 1month, 1minute and 10seconds. The only caveat is to not add the weeks before the month.
Given your input is 2015/07/21
, applying ||date_add:1Y 1M 1D
will transform it 2016-08-22 00:00:00
Given your input is 2015-07-21 01:23:45 PM
, applying ||date_add:3h 10m 15s
will transform it 2015-07-21 04:34:00
# date_sub
This method allows you to subtract an interval of time from a date.
- Required. Valid interval. Possible values are: Y, M, W, D, h, m, s
Please check date_add transformer for more info.
# date_diff
This method allows you to calculate the difference between a given date and today's date
- Required, interval in which the diff is calculated. Possible values are: days, months, years
Important notes:
- The date might not start with the month. Please use the date transformer to format the date to a different format before applying this transformers
Combined with if_else_between transformer, you can easily transform a date to a text. Say we have the incident date and we need to send to our a buyer one of the following intervals: In the last month, More than a month ago, More than a year ago. To do so, we will apply the date_diff:months
transformer and combine it with if_else_between
to transform a number (the number of months since the incident) to the desired buyer interval.
Given your input is 2015/07/21
, applying || date_diff:months
will transform it 86
, assuming today's date is 2022-10-10.
Given your input is 2015-07-21 01:23:45 PM
, applying ||date_diff:years
will transform it 7
, assuming today's date is 2022-10-10.
# timezone
This method allows you to convert the timezone for a date
- Required.
Timezone abbreviation must be one of the timezones listed here.
This transformer should only be used for UTC dates or dates that contain the timezone in the string. By default, this will treat every date as UTC. This transformer is mostly used with our system field keys: lp_date and lp_timestamp.
# us_state and us_state_long
Transforms a matching US state string between full text or 2 letter abbreviation
Given your input is Florida
, applying ||us_state
will transform it to FL
Given your input is FL
, applying ||us_state_long
will transform it to Florida
# to_bool
Transforms 0 to 'false' and 1 to 'true'. Any other input will be ignored.
Given your input is 0
, applying ||to_bool
will transform it to false
Given your input is 1
, applying ||to_bool
will transform it to true
Given your input is test
, applying ||to_bool
will transform it to test
# from_bool
Transforms 'false' to 0 and 'true' to 1. Any other input will be ignored.
Given your input is false
, applying ||from_bool
will transform it to 0
Given your input is true
, applying ||from_bool
will transform it to 1
Given your input is test
, applying ||from_bool
will transform it to test
# if_else
Transforms values based on a configuration map and simple conditions. This is very useful on text fields that receive fixed values from suppliers, but have to be mapped to different buyer values.
The format of this transformer is: if_else:[FIND->REPLACE@@FIND->REPLACE@@fallback->REPLACE]. fallback
is optional. There is no limit on how many FIND->REPLACE keys you can add See examples bellow on how to use.
Important: this transformer works on full input values, not on parts of the value. The conditions are evaluated in order. If any of them matches, the others are ignored and the input value is replaced with the value of the condition. The optional fallback
condition can be added in case all if
conditions are not met. If fallback
and no conditions are met, the original input value will be preserved.
Let's consider we have a credit_score field that can receive the following values: 300-600
, 600-700
, 700-900
Your buyer needs the credit_score as: poor
, fair
, good
To achieve that, we have to transform the field: {{credit_score||if_else:[300-600->poor@@600-700->fair@@700-900->good]}}
If the supplier sends the value 600-700
, the following will happen: we will first try to match 300-600
. Because that was a no match, we continue to the next condition, which is 600-700
. Because this matches, we will replace the credit_score field to fair
If you want to replace all other values with "unknown", you will need to add the fallback
condition: {{credit_score||if_else:[300-600->poor@@600-700->fair@@700-900->good@@fallback->unknown]}}
# if_else_between
Transforms values based on a configuration map and a numeric value that is between a min and a max value. This is very useful on fields that receive a numeric value from suppliers, but have to be mapped to different buyer values depending on a value range.
The format of this transformer is: if_else_between:[MIN,MAX->REPLACE@@MIN,MAX->REPLACE@@fallback->REPLACE]. fallback
is optional. There is no limit on how many MIN,MAX->REPLACE keys you can add. See examples bellow on how to use.
Important: ensure the value of the field is numeric. Multiple formats are accepted, like: 1234; 1,234; 1,234.56. Any other format most likely will fail. The conditions are evaluated in order. If any of them matches, the others are ignored and the input value is replaced with the value of the condition. The optional fallback
condition can be added in case all if
conditions are not met. If fallback
and no conditions are met, the original input value will be preserved.
Let's consider we have a field that receives a number of miles a car is driven every year. Examples: 11,000
, 5000
However, your buyer needs to know an approximate range, like: 1000
, 5000
, 10000
, 15000
To achieve that, we have to transform the field: {{car_miles||if_else_between:[0,1000->1000@@1001,5000->5000@@5001,10000->10000@@10000,over->15000@@fallback->10000]}}
In this example, if the supplier passes 7000
, the buyer will receive 10000. If the supplier passes 11256
, the buyer will receive 15000. If supplier does not send this field, because we use fallback
, buyer will receive 10000.
In the above example, we used 10000,over
. The reserved key over
can be used to define an unlimited max value for the range. This is the same as doing 10000,99999999999
# height
Transforms a given height (numeric value) into feet or inches.
- Required. Can be ft or in
Given your input is 67
, applying ||height:ft
will calculate the height in feet and return 5
Given your input is 67
, applying ||height:in
will extract the inches and return 7
# math_add
Transforms a field by permforming a mathematical addition. Only works if the input value is numeric. Maximum precision is 8 decimals.
- Required. Must be numeric
Given your input is 24.78
, applying ||math_add:10.015
will return 34.795
# math_sub
Transforms a field by permforming a mathematical subtraction. Only works if the input value is numeric. Maximum precision is 8 decimals.
- Required. Must be numeric
Given your input is 24.78
, applying ||math_sub:10.015
will return 14.765
# math_multiply
Transforms a field by permforming a mathematical multiplication. Only works if the input value is numeric. Maximum precision is 8 decimals.
- Required. Must be numeric
Given your input is 24.78
, applying ||math_multiply:10.015
will return 248.1717
# math_divide
Transforms a field by permforming a mathematical division. Only works if the input value is numeric. Maximum precision is 8 decimals.
- Required. Must be numeric
Given your input is 24.78
, applying ||math_divide:10.015
will return 2.47428856
# math_ceil
Transforms a value to the next highest integer value by rounding up if necessary. Only works if the input value is numeric.
Given your input is 24.78
, applying ||math_ceil
will return 25
# math_floor
Transforms a value to the next lowest integer value by rounding down if necessary. Only works if the input value is numeric.
Given your input is 24.78
, applying ||math_floor
will return 24
# math_modulo
This arithmetic operation calculates the remainder of a field value divided by the given argument. This function is very useful to convert height or months.
- Required. Must be numeric and greater than 0
Given your input is 65
, applying ||math_modulo:12
will return 5
. Useful when you have the height in inches, and you need to extract the inches left after converting to ft/in.
Given your input is 26
, applying ||math_modulo:12
will return 2
. Useful when you have the total numbers of month left in a lease. and you need to calculate the months left without the matching years.
# merge_fields
Merge the values of 2 fields into one. This is very useful when you want to combine things like Project Type (Install, Repair) and the Material Type (Metal Shingle, Asphalt Shingle, Wood Shingle) to generate one field that has both: Install Metal Shingle. From there, it can be chained with another transformer, like if_else, to transform to a number (Install Metal Shingle could be 1, Repair Metal Shingle could be 2, etc).
- Required. Comma separated of one or many campaign fields.
- Optional. Separator to use when merging the fields. Default to 1 space.
Given your fields are project_type
with values Install
and Repair
, and material
with values Metal
and Slate
, you can use {{project_type||merge_fields:material}}
to send the value Install Metal
, depending on the value received for project_type and material. This used our default separate of one space between the fields.
To use a custom separator, given your fields are state
and zip
, you can use {{state||merge_fields:zip@@_}}
to send the value CA_92010
You can merge as many fields as you want, in any order that you want, with any separator.
# output_number
ONLY WORKS WITH JSON PAYLOADS Use this when your buyer enforces a certain parameter to be sent as numeric.
Let's assume you have a field called debt_amount
and a simple JSON payload {"debt": "{{debt_amount}}"}
. The buyer requires a numeric value when sending the JSON body. Using {{debt_amount||output_number}}
will send {"debt": 10000}
. Without this transformer, the body would be {"debt": "10000"}
and can fail buyer validation, as he requires this field to be sent as a number, not as a string.
# output_bool
ONLY WORKS WITH JSON PAYLOADS Use this when your buyer enforces a certain parameter to be sent as a boolean or null
Let's assume you have a field called home_owner
and a simple JSON payload {"own_home": "{{home_owner}}"}
. The buyer requires a boolean value when sending the JSON body. Using {{own_home||output_bool}}
will send {"own_home": true}
. Without this transformer, the body would be {"own_home": "true"}
and can fail buyer validation, as he requires this field to be sent as boolean true/false, not as a string.
# csv_to_json_array
ONLY WORKS WITH JSON PAYLOADS Use this when your buyer enforces a certain parameter to be sent as an array. The data input should be a string of comma separated value(s)
Let's assume you have a field called interests
. When sending data to Lead Prosper, you pass interests=solar,roofing,debt
. If you apply this transfomer and use "lead_interested_in": "{{interests||csv_to_json_array}}"
, we will send to your buyer an array composed of those 3 values, like this: "lead_interested_in": ["solar", "roofing", "debt"]
. If interests=solar
, the output will be "lead_interested_in": ["solar"]
Important notes
- some characters will have to be converted when used as parameters for the modifier. Check Appendix A
- for the transformers that allow configuration, ensure that the following chars are not passed as a parameter: || and @@
- transformers with configuration errors, like invalid parameters or invalid modifiers, will be ignored. please run tests after adding a transformer to ensure your campaign can still receive and deliver the lead as you want.
Appendix A - special characters
Character | Replace with |
" | %22 |
\ | %5C |
& | %26 |
Appendix B - valid format dates
A valid format date need to contain at least the year, month and day. Some valid formats are: 2020-02-03 23:45:23, 2015-07-21, 2015/07/21, 07-11-2015, 07-11-2015 14:23:08, 2015-07-21 01:23:45 PM, first day next month, +3d
These are just a few examples, but our system can parse a wide variety of dates. Always check and test your input and output to ensure your campaigns do not stop working and transmit the data as you expect
If you are using a standard format provided by the Date & time field when configuring your campaign, you do not need to worry about anything.
Appendix C - output date formats
Format | Description | Output |
d | Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros | 01 to 31 |
D | A textual representation of a day, three letters | Mon through Sun |
j | Day of the month without leading zeros | 1 to 31 |
l (lowercase 'L') | A full textual representation of the day of the week | Monday through Sunday |
N | ISO-8601 numeric representation of the day of the week | 1 (for Monday) through 7 (for Sunday) |
S | English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters | st, nd, rd, th. Works well with j |
w | Numeric representation of the day of the week | 0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday) |
z | The day of the year (starting from 0) | 0 to 365 |
W | ISO-8601 week number of year, weeks starting on Monday | 42 (the 42nd week in the year) |
F | A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March | January through December |
m | Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros | 01 to 12 |
M | A short textual representation of a month, three letters | Jan through Dec |
n | Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros | 1 to 12 |
t | Number of days in the given month | 28, 29, 30, 31 |
Y | A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits | 1999, 2003 |
y | A two digit representation of a year | 99, 03 |
a | Lowercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem | am, pm |
A | Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem | AM, PM |
g | 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros | 1 to 12 |
G | 24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros | 0 to 23 |
h | 12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros | 01 to 12 |
H | 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros | 00 to 23 |
i | Minutes with leading zeros | 00 to 59 |
s | Seconds with leading zeros | 00 to 59 |
c | ISO 8601 date | 2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00 |
r | RFC 2822 formatted date | Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200 |
U | Seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT) | 1607730067 |
These formats can be used to create virtually any date:
Format | Output |
Y-m-d H:i:s | 2007-10-12 14:33:56 |
Y-m-d\TH:i:sP | 2005-08-15T15:52:01+00:00 |
l, d-M-Y H:i:s T | Monday, 15-Aug-2005 15:52:01 UTC |
Y-m-d\TH:i:sO | 2005-08-15T15:52:01+0000 |
D, d M y H:i:s O | Mon, 15 Aug 05 15:52:01 +0000 |
\O\\n Y-m-d \a\\t h:i:s A | On 2015-12-07 at 01:30:00 PM |
If you wish to use your own words (like on, at), those characters have to be escaped by the help of \. Some (\e, \f, \n, \r, \t, \v) must be double-escaped (\\e, \\f, \\n, \\r, \\t, \\v). See last example in the table above.