"Contains" Filter

The "Contains" field filter

Lead Prosper can use the power of regular expression to filter your leads and ensure only the highest quality leads are sent to your buyers, per their requirements. Please note that this is an advanced feature.

The "Contains" field filter can be used in the following field types:

  • email
  • postal code
  • phone
  • URL and domain
  • IP address
  • text

The following chars should be escaped with a backslash if present in your filter: . ^ $ * + - ? ( ) [ ] { } \ | /

Here are a few examples on how to use them:

  1. to block/allow any email that contains test@ or ends with "example" domains, you will use the following 2 entries
    • test@
    • @example.*$
  2. to block/allow zip codes or phone numbers that starts with 123, you will use ^123
  3. to block/allow zip codes or phone numbers that end with 333, you will use 333$
  4. to block/allow multiple IPs from one subnet range, you will use 192.168.* - you can also pass here individual IPs, as in
  5. in a multi-word text field, there are a few cases that you might need
    • if you use random - this will match any word that contains random, such as randomizer or nonrandom
    • if you use \btest - this will match only words that start with the word test, such as testing, but will not match contest
    • if you use apple\b - this will match only words that end with the word apple, such as apple or pineapple, but not applesauce
    • if you use \bexact\b - this will only match the word exact
  6. to block a yahoo.com/bad-url, you would use yahoo\.com\/bad-url. Note how the dot and the slash were escaped with a backslash.

Before using any regular expression filters, please go to https://regex101.com/ to test your rules. This tool offers you an easy way to check your rules against any input data. You can also test multiple rules against multiple input values:Here are the steps that you need to take to ensure you are properly testing your rules:

  1. Select the correct flavor. Lead Prosper is based on PCRE2.
  2. Enter your regular expression. Multiple rules can be separated by the pipe character: |
  3. Enter your data. It can contain one ore more lines, or  just one line with all your test strings (like zip codes for example)
  4. Set the proper flags: global, multi line and insensitive

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