Cloning a campaign

To copy a campaign start by creating a new campaign and "import" (clone) the fields from an existing campaign (steps broken down below).

1. Create a New Campaign (make sure its the same type, ex. Multi-Multi).
2. On the Fields section of the Campaign Builder, select Import and select the campaigns fields you want to clone.
b036ab8b389286145331176774c080cf.png915da00d0e912f1ad3839cb32d179a74.png3. Once the Campaign has been built (make sure it is the same Campaign type), you can now import your buyers by adding a new Buyer.
6ff1db6c380112657b1746f4a8792aeb.png4. Select Import in the New Buyer buildout
052b41dd224b34b1fac7af980e47db0a.png5. Select the Campaign that has the specific Buyer you want to import (clone).
a285a72fd0411b4339daba60d9e9cd60.pngAfter that is complete, build out the supplier and provide the NEW API specs for this campaign -- since it is a completely new campaign, please make sure the supplier is posting to the create campaign.

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