Customer Portal

Setting Up a Lead Prosper Customer Portal

Tired of chasing down unpaid invoices? The Lead Prosper Customer Portal allows you to accept payments from your buyers in real-time using Stripe, while also giving them access to up-to-the-minute analytics.

This article is going to walk you through how to set up a Customer Portal within Lead Prosper, which will allow you to accept payments  from your buyers in real-time via Stripe. If you’d prefer a video covering the items below, you can watch the walkthrough here.

Why Create Your Own Customer Portal?

One of the main benefits of the Customer Portal is that it allows you to accept payment from your lead buyers in real-time. Instead of sending your buyers leads and then hoping they pay for them net-30, the portal removes risk and alleviates an accounting burden by ensuring each lead is billed immediately.

Your buyers can also export their leads list, view analytics associated with their campaigns, and even pause a campaign that’s not performing as expected.

How to Set Up Your Customer Portal

You’ll access the customer portal by logging into your Lead Prosper account and clicking on Customer Portal at the bottom of the menu. This feature is currently in beta, so if you’d like to join the beta test, submit a ticket using the support button. We’ll get you added, and the Customer Portal button will appear as indicated below.

On your initial login, you’ll be prompted to set up your account by inputting some details. First, enter your company name or the name of the dba your clients are familiar with. If you’d like to have your company logo appear in the top left of your portal, you’ll want to enter the URL of a publicly accessible logo in the second field. The best way to do this is by going to a public facing page of your website, right-clicking your logo, and clicking “copy image address.” Paste this address into the Logo section and you’re good to go.

Next, choose a subdomain name where your users will access your portal. This is where your buyers will login and manage their account. In the future, we will allow you to setup a domain of your own.

Connecting Stripe with the Lead Prosper Customer Portal

The fields in step 2 are optional, but you’ll want to connect your Stripe account (or make one if you don’t already have one) in order to make the most of the Customer Portal.

Once you’re logged into your Stripe account, go to and copy/paste the Publishable Key and Secret Key into the respective fields below.

Finally, the customer portal gives you the option to charge your users an additional fee. You can use this feature to pass your Stripe fee on to the consumer, or assign a different fee of your choosing up to 15%. When your customer adds to their account balance, they’ll see the total amount they’ll be charged including the additional fee. If they’re adding $100 to their balance, in other words, they’ll see the total charge of $103 if they have a 3% fee.

Creating Your First User Login

Once the initial setup is complete, you’ll see a blank dashboard. Click the Add Client button to create your first customer account. You’ll be prompted to choose which Client in your Lead Prosper account to associate with this login in your portal. If this single user is divided into multiple “Clients” in Lead Prosper, for example if you’ve added a “Client” for each of this company’s web forms, you can map the Customer Portal account with multiple Lead Prosper clients by clicking the “Add Mapping” button.

Now that your user is set up, they’ll appear in your dashboard. You can view their account details by clicking “View,” and make any changes you want by clicking the edit button. Inside the individual client view, you can also click “mappings” to see which Lead Prosper client or clients the user is mapped to, and you can map them to additional Lead Prosper clients at any time by clicking the “Edit mappings” button. If you want to see a complete list of your users and which Lead Prosper clients they’re mapped to, go to the “mapping” tab in the top left.

The transactions tab below will populate with any client payments that have been made, and the settings button allows you to adjust the email associated with your account, your stripe keys and fee percentage, the branding associated with your account, and the email notifications that you and your users will receive regarding the customer portal. Most of these items are self-explanatory, but let’s briefly dive into the notifications settings.

Choosing a Billing Specification

If you choose “None,” your client won’t be able to pay you through the Customer Portal. Instead, they’ll just use it to log in, see analytics associated with their campaigns, and export their leads lists.

“Manual” billing means you’ll control the customer’s balance. This setting is useful when they pay you outside the platform. When you receive a payment, you’ll manually credit the amount paid to their account balance.

If you choose “Real-time,” payment will automatically be processed through your client’s Stripe account. If their account isn’t set up, you won’t be able to select this option.

For both Manual and Real-time billing, you can choose a minimum account balance that you want your user to maintain. If you choose Real-time billing, you can also require your user to set up an auto-recharge that bills their payment method when the account balance falls below the established threshold. Otherwise, when an account falls below the minimum balance, that user’s campaigns will automatically be paused.

Now that your user is set up, they’ll appear in your dashboard. You can view their account details by clicking “View,” and make any changes you want by clicking the edit button. Inside the individual client view, you can also click “mappings” to see which Lead Prosper client or clients the user is mapped to, and you can map them to additional Lead Prosper clients at any time by clicking the “Edit mappings” button. If you want to see a complete list of your users and which Lead Prosper clients they’re mapped to, go to the “mapping” tab in the top left.

The transactions tab below will populate with any client payments that have been made, and the settings button allows you to adjust the email associated with your account, your stripe keys and fee percentage, the branding associated with your account, and the email notifications that you and your users will receive regarding the customer portal. Most of these items are self-explanatory, but let’s briefly dive into the notifications settings.

Customer Portal Notifications

By default, these notifications will come from the Lead Prosper gateway, but if you have a Sendgrid account, you can use it by inputting your Sendgrid API key in the designated field.

As we look at the individual emails, this tag on the right will show you if they’re sent to you or your users. You can customize these emails and then test them with the Test button – testing will send an email to your address even if it’s ultimately intended for a client. If you mess something up while formatting an email and can’t figure out a fix, don’t fret – the “revert to default button” will erase your settings and get you back to a functional baseline.

For now, this is a general overview of the Customer Portal. It’s still in its infancy, but as one of our most requested features, you can expect to see plenty of updates and improvements in the near future. If there’s something specific you’d like to see, don’t hesitate to let us know by submitting a support ticket within the Lead Prosper platform.

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