Campaign Fields

In the Campaign Fields section, we are defining what dynamic data points (ex: Name, Email, Phone, etc)  from your supplier we will need to pass through Lead Prosper to your Buyer.

When looking at the Fields on the API specifications document provided by your client, the first thing we need to decide is whether a field listed on the document is a Campaign field or a Static field.

  • Campaign fields
    • You must have at least one campaign field to move forward through the campaign creation wizard.

Field types and formats

Lead Prosper currently has 10 different Field types.

  • It is very important to define the correct field type and format. Lead Prosper has built-in validation for each of the defined formats. Upon receiving a lead from your supplier, Lead Prosper will validate the type and the format of all input data that was posted. In the event of a wrong type or format, the lead will be rejected immediately. It will also not be sent to your buyer and you will not incur any outgoing charges to your buyer. However, the standard incoming request will be charged.

Add a Campaign field

  1. Click +Add in the upper right corner of the Campaign fields box.
  2. The 
    1. Field name
      1. Chose a name that best describes the field you are adding.
      2. The name you choose here will show on the Lead Prosper API document generated for this campaign.
    2. Field description
      1. Describe the field you are adding. This description will show on the Lead Prosper API document generated for this campaign.
      2. Descriptions per field are optional.
    3. Field type
      1. Choose the field type that matches the data you intend to collect and/or pass in this field.
      2. It is imperative you chose the correct field type or you will have errors.
    4. Field format
      1. Choose the field format that exactly matches what is outlined on the API posting document provided by your client.
      2. It is imperative you chose the correct field format or you will have errors.
    5. Field status
      1. Choose 
        1. Required means that if the incoming data does not include this field, it will not be accepted by Lead Prosper.
        2. Optional means that if the incoming data does not include this field, the data will still be accepted by Lead Prosper.
  3. Once you have completed all required Add new fields inputs, click Save.
  4. Your new campaign field will now show in the campaign fields box.

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