Understanding Lead Prosper's FREE support

Support inside of Lead Prosper

We're happy to help you with anything inside of Lead Prosper and support within the platform is 100% FREE.

How to receive support

To receive support, please click the "Support" button and then click "Ask" to submit a ticket to our team. We'll typically answer your questions in under an hour!

To get the best support building your first campaign please read the following article: How to get the best support when building your first campaign

Support building out your lead buyer(s)

For us to support you in building out your lead buyer(s), we require you to have your campaign fields built and a copy of your lead buyer's API specs in hand. Without the fields created and a copy of the API spec, we cannot help you.

Support outside of Lead Prosper

If you need help outside of Lead Prosper to integrate with other platforms we won't be able to provide support. We have many clients who use Go High Level and Leads Hook and there is documentation available.

Go High Level: Lead Prosper to Go High Level

Leads Hook: https://www.leadshook.com/help/lead-prosper/

Posting leads from a third-party product (funnels or landing page software)

If you're having issues posting leads into Lead Prosper from a third-party product, we recommend you first build your campaign inside Lead Prosper. Once you've built your campaign, you can generate your API specs, and you can provide those specs to the support team of that third-party product. Our API specs will have all the instructions needed to post a lead into Lead Prosper. If that product is unable to do custom API postings, your next best bet would be to see if they can post the lead to Zapier to then be routed into Lead Prosper.

Concierge tech service

If you want to hire Lead Prosper's tech team to build out your buyer(s), figure out how to integrate with third-party products, or create custom scripts - you can submit a ticket with your details. Our concierge tech service pricing will be determined by what you need help with. Our prices start at $100 per buyer.

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