Testing Dynamic Consent on Your Landing Page: Using a Dummy One-to-One Campaign for Front-End Insights

One of the most difficult aspects of the new one-to-one regulation is going to be generating the dynamic consent on the front-end landing pages. The point in this guide is not to give instructions on how to actually generate the dynamic consent on your front-end, but rather to walk you through setting up a dummy One-to-One campaign in Lead Prosper and also present a HTML file that you can edit that will give an example of a form flow that generates dynamic consent and also displays all PING and POST requests and responses so that you or your developers can see a working example of both front-end and back-end dynamic one-to-one consent taking place.


1) Create A New One-to-One Campaign

First thing you are going to need to do is create a new One-to-One campaign in your Lead Prosper Account, and name it whatever you want. 

2) Create A New Supplier

Create a new Supplier in the campaign and name it Supplier1

3) Create a New Buyer and name it Direct Post

Direct Buyer Set Up
  • Use the following settings to create this buyer setup:
Name Direct Post
Delivery Method Direct Post
Default / Static Price $5.00
POST URL https://example.leadprosper.tech/direct_post?error_rate=0
Request Method POST
Payload Type FORM
HTTP Timeout 30
Payload first_name={{first_name}}&last_name={{last_name}}&email={{email}}&phone={{phone}}&date_of_birth={{date_of_birth}}&gender={{gender}}&address={{address}}&city={{city}}&state={{state}}&zip_code={{zip_code}}&ip_address={{ip_address}}&user_agent={{user_agent}}&landing_page_url={{landing_page_url}}&jornaya_leadid={{jornaya_leadid}}&trustedform_cert_url={{trustedform_cert_url}}
Response Type JSON
Accepted Mapping

Condition: key equal with

Key: status

Value: success

  • After the Payload settings will be an area labeled Customize API Response, and there should be a default value there for tcpa_name. Use the following settings here:

Key: tcpa_name

Value Type: Static

Value Key: Direct Post Buyer

Ping Return: On

Post Return: On

  • Hit Save.

4) Create a New Buyer and name it Ping Post.

Ping / Post PING Set Up
Ping / Post POST + Response Set Up
  • Use the following settings to create this buyer setup.
Name Ping Post
Delivery Method Ping / Post
PING URL https://example.leadprosper.tech/ping?error_rate=0
Request Method POST
Payload Type FORM
HTTP Timeout 30
PING Payload first_name={{first_name}}&last_name={{last_name}}&email={{email}}&phone={{phone}}&date_of_birth={{date_of_birth}}&gender={{gender}}&address={{address}}&city={{city}}&state={{state}}&zip_code={{zip_code}}&ip_address={{ip_address}}&user_agent={{user_agent}}&landing_page_url={{landing_page_url}}&jornaya_leadid={{jornaya_leadid}}&trustedform_cert_url={{trustedform_cert_url}}
Response Type JSON
Accepted Mapping

Condition: key equal with

Key: status

Value: success

Real Time Price

Real Time Price: On

Value: bid

POST https://example.leadprosper.tech/ping?error_rate=0
Request Method POST
Payload Type FORM
HTTP Timeout 30
PING Payload first_name={{first_name}}&last_name={{last_name}}&email={{email}}&phone={{phone}}&date_of_birth={{date_of_birth}}&gender={{gender}}&address={{address}}&city={{city}}&state={{state}}&zip_code={{zip_code}}&ip_address={{ip_address}}&user_agent={{user_agent}}&landing_page_url={{landing_page_url}}&jornaya_leadid={{jornaya_leadid}}&trustedform_cert_url={{trustedform_cert_url}}&id={{lp_ping_response:lead_id}}
Response Type JSON
Accepted Mapping

Condition: key equal with

Key: status

Value: success

  • After the Payload settings will be an area labeled Customize API Response, and there should be a default value there for tcpa_name. Use the following settings here:

Key: tcpa_name

Value Type: Static

Value Key: Direct Post Buyer

Ping Return: On

Post Return: On

  • Hit Save.

5) Create a New Buyer and name it Aggregator

One-to-One PING Set Up
One-to-One POST Set Up
  • Use the following settings to create this buyer setup.
Name Aggregator
Delivery Method One-to-One
PING URL https://proxy.leadprosper.tech/dev/ping1
Request Method POST
Payload Type FORM
HTTP Timeout 30
PING Payload first_name={{first_name}}&last_name={{last_name}}&email={{email}}&phone={{phone}}&date_of_birth={{date_of_birth}}&gender={{gender}}&address={{address}}&city={{city}}&state={{state}}&zip_code={{zip_code}}&ip_address={{ip_address}}&user_agent={{user_agent}}&landing_page_url={{landing_page_url}}&jornaya_leadid={{jornaya_leadid}}&trustedform_cert_url={{trustedform_cert_url}}
Response Type JSON
Accepted Mapping

Condition: key equal with

Key: status

Value: success

Real Time Price

Real Time Price: On

Value: bid

PING TCPA & Bidding Configuration

Max Buyers: 6

Buyers List Key: buyers

TCPA Name Key: name

Bid ID Key: id

Bid Price Key: price

POST URL https://proxy.leadprosper.tech/dev/post1
Request Method POST
Payload Type FORM
HTTP Timeout 30
PING Payload ping_id={{lp_ping_response:ping_id}}&bid_ids={{lp_consent_buyer_bids:id,csv}}
Response Type JSON
Accepted Mapping

Condition: key equal with

Key: status

Value: success

Real Time Price

Real Time Price: On

Value: bid

POST TCPA & Bidding Configuration

Buyers List Key: buyers

Bid ID Key: id

  • Since you mapped the Bid TCPA Name, Price, and Bid_ID in the PING set up there is no additional customization for the API response necessary.
  • Hit Save.

6) Add 2 New Campaign Fields

  • Go back to the main campaign, go to Campaign Fields. Add 2 New campaign fields using the following options / settings.

Name: project_type

Type & Format: List of allowed values

Values: Install, Repair

PING Status: Required

POST Status: Optional


Name: number_of_windows

Type & Format: List of allowed values

Values: 1, 2, 3-5, 6-9, 10+

PING Status: Required

POST Status: Optional

  • Hit Save.

7) Configure Campaign One-to-One Settings

  • On the main campaign page scroll down to the One-to-One Settings area, and configure the options as follows:
Bid Management

Minimum Returned Bid Price: $0.50

Maximum Bids Returned: 25

Default Buyer Bid Margin: 0

Bid Display & Filtering

Bids Order: Highest Bidder

De-Duplicate Bids: OFF

Sell to One TCPA Entity Only: OFF

Blacklist TCPA Names: Add Test123

API Response Customization

Include meta: ON

Include execution_time: ON

Include buyer_id with bids: ON

POST: Return all bids, including failed: ON

  • Hit Save.


1) Download the Test File

Download the onetoone-test.html file from the provided link - https://files.leadprosper.tech/onetoone-test.html

2) Locate the Necessary Values

  • Go to your new Dummy One-to-One campaign.
  • Select the Supplier you added, then navigate to Supplier API Specs.
  • Copy the lp_campaign_id , lp_supplier_id , and lp_key from the API specs.

3) Update the File

  • Open the onetoone-test.html file in any text editor.
  • Replace the placeholder values for lp_campaign_id , lp_supplier_id , and lp_key with the ones you copied from the Supplier API specs.
  • Update these values in two locations:
    • Lines 188–190
    • Lines 251–253
Lines 188-190
Lines 251 - 253

4) Save and Test

  • Save the updated file.
  • Open it locally in a web browser to ensure the updates are applied correctly.

Setting up a dummy One-to-One campaign in Lead Prosper and configuring the associated HTML file may seem complex, but it’s a valuable exercise to understand how dynamic consent operates in real-world scenarios. This guide has provided you with the foundational steps to configure both the back-end campaign and the front-end test file. By following these steps, you’ll have a working example of the entire One-to-One flow, including PING and POST requests and responses. Use this setup as a learning tool or a starting point for implementing more advanced configurations. With this knowledge in hand, you’re well-equipped to tackle the challenges of implementing dynamic consent under the new regulations.

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