Ping Post (Real-time action)
Delivering leads via Ping Post is one of Lead Prosper's Real-time actions.
Ping Post is a simple concept that is often misunderstood.
A campaign set up for Ping Post allows you to first ping your Lead Buyer by sending a real-time request, usually with limited data and typically with no PII (personally identifiable information) about the consumer.
Based on the API response from theping, you can determine if the Lead Buyer wants the lead. If the Lead Buyer doesn't want the lead, the action ends there. If the Lead Buyer wants the lead, you are able to make a decision if you want to send the full lead information in the post.
If you want your Lead Suppliers to send you a ping where you or your Lead Buyers will make a decision, please check out the Ping Post Exchange.
There a two typical Ping Post setups:
- Lead Buyer returns a bid based on the ping
- In the highest bidder multi-buyer setup, the highest bidder will receive the post with the full lead information
- Otherwise, you can create logic based on the bid price to determine whether or not you want to sell the lead for the bid price received on the ping.
- Here is an article going over the highest bidder functionality: Ping Post is a Win Win For Lead Buyers and Sellers
- Lead Buyer returns a "success" or "fail" message
- In this situation, the Lead Buyer might have a "duplicate checker" implemented to determine whether or not they already have the lead.
- The Lead Buyer decided based on the information received from the ping that they are not interested in the lead.
In short, Ping Post allows the Lead Buyer a chance to pre-screen some data about the consumer before making a decision on whether or not they want to purchase the lead or for how much they're willing to spend for that lead.