Filtering Leads By Date or Age In Lead Prosper

There are several different ways to filter by a date or age range from within your Lead Prosper campaign. There are two campaign field types that can be used in this case - date and age. Both of these campaign fields have the exact same formatting options, however the main differentiator are the filtering options available based on the field type. Another option would be if you have a numeric campaign field where you are collecting a number and that number represents a date range, such as number of days since an incident.


When a campaign field is set up as a date field, the user has the ability to allow or block leads based on the following criteria:

  • {{date_field}} greater than first_date
  • {{date_field}} less than first_date
  • {{date_field}} equal to first_date
  • {{date_field}} not equal to first_date
  • {{date_field}} greater than or equal to first_date
  • {{date_field}} less than or equal to first_date
  • {{date_field}} between first_date & second_date

Use the date field when you have a specific date and you want to filter leads based strictly on that specific date. 


When a campaign field is set up as an age field, the user has the ability to allow of block leads based on the following criteria:

  • {{date_field}} age greater than value1
  • {{date_field}} age less than value1
  • {{date_field}} age equal to value1
  • {{date_field}} age not equal to value1
  • {{date_field}} age greater or equal to value1
  • {{date_field}} age less or equal to value1
  • {{date_field}} age between value1 and value2

Use the age field when you have a specific date and want to filter leads based on a time frame around that date. Age calculates the “age” of a date that has been entered in the lead, and then uses that age to filter leads. For example if you are collecting date_of_birth you can block leads where age based on the date_of_birth field is less than 18 years, you can allow leads where age based on the date_of_birth fields is under 65 years, or you could allow leads where age based on the date_of_birth field is between 22 years old and 65 years old (meaning that only leads where the age of the user is between 22 and 65 based on the date_of_birth field value).


When you have a campaign field set up as numeric, you can use the number value passed to this field to allow or block a lead based on the following criteria:

  • {{number_of_days}} is greater than value1
  • {{number_of_days}} is less than value1
  • {{number_of_days}} is equal to value1
  • {{number_of_days}} is not equal to value1
  • {{number_of_days}} is greater than or equal to value1
  • {{number_of_days}} is less than or equal to value1
  • {{number_of_days}} is between value1 and value2

In the case of a numeric campaign field you can use the number value that is provided to base your filtering off of. An example of this would be in the case of a personal injury campaign where you are collecting a filed such as days_since_accident. If you want to only accept leads within 60 days of when the lead was sent you could set up a filter to Allow leads where {{days_since_accident}} is less than a value of 60.

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